摘要: | 意境理論是中國古典文藝美學的核心概念,皎然詩論受到王昌齡的影響,發展為意與境結合的「意境」說,在理論上取得重大進展。皎然在創作茶詩的過程中,將此種理念體現在「茶境」包括「品茶環境」與「品飲心境、意境」的美學追求上。皎然的意境論理受佛教唯識學的影響,以視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺、觸覺五個感覺反復投射(「六根互用」),感官在不同的感知域間跳躍,色、聲、香、味、觸交匯在一起,也就是通感把各個感覺溝通起來,激發想像、聯想,產生移情,對藝術形象的自由發展起著重要作用,使人從有限的形象中獲得無限豐富的審美體驗。因此談論「意境」不能忽略「六根互用」之「通感」的審美體驗。尤其欣賞唐代詩僧的詩歌作品,不應僅僅限於「意境」說,而應與「六根互用」之「通感」同時並論。本文即以「通感」與「意境」的審美體驗,來詮釋皎然的飲茶詩。 Conception theory is the core concept of Chinese classical art aesthetics. Poetry theory of Jiao Ran was influenced by Wang Changling and it was developed as theory of "conception" with the combination of meaning and situation. It has made significant progress theoretically. When creating team poems, Jiao Ran applied the concept in the aesthetic pursuit of "tea situation", including "environment of tea appreciation" and "mental state and conception of tea appreciation". Conception theory of Jiao Ran, was affected by Buddhist idea Yogachara, and used 5 senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, to repeatedly project "Six Interoperability." The senses jumped around different perceptual domains, and colors, voices, aromas, tastes, and touches gathered together. In other words, synaesthesia connected various feelings, triggered imagination and association, and generated empathy, which plays an important role in free development of artistic images and enables people to gain unlimited and abundant aesthetic appreciation experiences from limited images. Thus, in the study on "conception", aesthetic experience of "synesthesia" of "six interoperability" should not be neglected. When appreciating the poetry of Poem Monk in Tang Dynasty, we should not only focus on theory of "conception", but also discuss "synesthesia" of "six interoperability". This study thus interprets Jiao Ran's tea poems by aesthetic experience of "synesthesia” and “conception". |