中國領導人習近平在2013年所提出的一帶一路計畫(以下簡稱「帶路政策」),宣稱要將其經濟成長的果實與國內發展經驗,分享給亞洲、非洲、歐洲內的各個國家,以藉此「構建人類命運共同體,促進全球治理體系變革」。然而,以歐洲為例,由於歐洲各個國家國內經濟發展的狀況不均、面對中國政策的反應,也因為政治、安全、價值觀等諸多因素而有所不同。因此,吾人可以觀察到中國的「帶路政策」某種程度而言已造成歐洲國家內部不同的政策反應。例如,西歐國家形成日益增強的「保護主義」政策;北歐國家有所保留,但仍願意進一步發展出個別的、有條件的雙邊關係;中歐與東歐國家基本上是「開放與歡迎」的立場;南歐之中以希臘的態度最為積極;最後,歐盟整體對於中國「帶路政策」所反應出來的「分治」擔憂,也對一些歐洲國家產生影響與限制。有鑑於此,本論文希望進一步探討,在這樣持續發展的背景之下,到底歐亞國家之間是將更緊密結合在一起,還是,連帶著整個歐盟與其整合的進程,正面臨分裂的危機? 中國在此之中扮演的角色又是如何? Chinese President Xi Jinping's Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) was designed to share China's experiences of economic growth and achievements with those Asian, African and European countries that are in need. The ambitious goal of this initiative is to "build a community of shared future for mankind, and promote a reform of global governance system." Take the Europe as an example: the individual countries' economic development and conditions are so different that their responses to China's BRI can vary from country to country. This paper has found that those Western European countries have formed a growing "protectionism" toward BRI, Northern European countries have developed an individualized and conditioned bilateral relationship with China, the Central and Eastern European countries have generally held an "open and welcome" position, and the Southern European countries, particularly Greece, are quite vigorous about China's project. Nevertheless, this paper finds that European Union (EU) as a whole has worried that China could be using "divide and rule" tactics to gain influence in Europe. In this context, the paper illustrates such intricate relationship between the EU as a whole and the European countries as a part when facing the common challenges from China's BRI. What is being inquired in this paper is that whether the European countries have become more united and integrated, or actually been facing the crisis of parting ways soon. And, what is China's role here?