社會變遷,國人治喪空間逐漸從自宅、鄰里移動到公眾共同使用的殯葬設施。但因鄰避效應,老舊的殯葬設施修繕受阻,遑論擴充或新建治喪空間的計畫更是困難重重。2017年國內又因醫殯分流政策實施,使得原本分擔部分民眾治喪需求的醫院太平間,因法令停止辦理殮、殯、奠、祭治喪活動,這樣的骨牌效應加重公立殯儀館負荷,也逼迫民眾委屈於更加狹小與簡陋的治喪空間,源於以上困境,擬定本研究試圖提出因應解決之道。過往雖有研究者致力於殯葬設施的研究,但視角偏向於解決鄰避設施或提升土地利用,也有擅長建築領域或政策法令之先進以其專業進行探討,當中也有專家學者自三禮禮書、民間傳統喪禮及特定宗教治喪儀式剖析喪禮空間,但鮮少能以當代使用者的治喪需求為核心進行討論。因此本研究將以滿足民眾「歿寧善終」與「哀死送終」的目標為核心,就現代喪禮儀式內容與功能性進行檢核與分析,再依循此脈絡,深入各類治喪空間實地觀察及針對相關使用者進行深入訪談,以能達成生死和諧與兼顧生死尊嚴之現代治喪空間需求提出具體論述,以提供都市規劃與變更時,或是公私立部門籌辦殯葬設施建設,以及建築師或設計師規劃殯葬設施空間時,能有具體可用的理論參考。 After the social changes, the funeral space gradually moved from the home and the neighborhood to the public funeral facilities. However, due to the NIMBY effect, old funeral facilities are often not allowed to be renovated, and it is even more difficult to expand or create new ones. In 2017, Our government banned the funeral ceremony in the hospital. This stipulation aggravates the burden of public funeral parlors and forces the bereaved to grievances in narrower and shabby space for funeral services. Based on the above difficulties, this study is formulated to try to find solutions to the problem. There is many researchers have devoted themselves to the study of funeral facilities in the past, But their perspectives tend to be to solve NIMBY effect or enhance land use. There are also architecture or policy experts discussing issues based on their specialization, or some scholars interpret the funeral ceremony space from the "Sanli" Books, the traditional folk funeral and the specific religious ceremonies, but the related researches focusing on the funeral needs of contemporary users are very less. So, this study will examine and analyze the content and function of modern funeral rituals at the core of meeting the goal of ensuring peace for both living and dead people. Based on this context, this research further explores various field observations of funeral services and aims at relevant users Conduct in-depth interviews with specific discussions on the need for modern mourning and living space to achieve harmony between life and death and to take into account the dignity of life and death to provide urban planning and change, or planning for funeral facilities in both public and private sectors, and this research wiii provide architects or designers planning funeral facilities When there is a specific theoretical reference available.