交通部觀光局105 年國人旅遊調查狀況顯示品嘗美食在近年來是國人旅遊選擇地點時的重要考慮因素,且百分比有逐年增加的趨勢,由此驗證Cohen and Avielie (2004)研究發現飲食被認為是旅遊的主要吸引力之一,當遊客拜訪不同目的地時,當地的飲食可能會是一種阻礙。 根據亞太素食聯盟估計,台灣目前素食人口高達12%人數,約有280 萬人。素食者占世界人口比例更是高達21.8%。因此素食的旅遊市場在世界上可說是越來越重要,不容小覷。 希望能透過本研究了解不同背景的旅人在旅行過程中所遇到的阻礙以什麼面向最多,在目的地選擇上有什麼不同,進而探討遊客在旅遊行為上的關係,以提升不同飲食習慣者出國旅行的意願。 根據問卷統計不同背景的旅行者中以素食者的旅遊阻礙構面最多,在人際間的阻礙、知覺風險、飲食的阻礙都相較其他背景的旅行者高。但是飲食習慣和目地地選擇沒有達到顯著差異,由文獻推論是現在的素食者不見得是因為宗教因素茹素,因此在旅行目的地的選擇上就不一定會只考慮宗教或文化相關的目的地。 According to the Taiwanese Travel and Tourism Survey 2016 from Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and communications Republic of China, we know tasting delicious foods has become a primary factor for choose a destination in recently years, and the percentage is higher year by year. So we can proof the research from Cohen and Avielie, 2004 shows that food and beverages plays a significant role in tourism attraction, however when travelers travel to different destinations, food and beverages might be a travel constrains. Asia Pacific vegetarian Union estimated that there are 12% vegetarians in Taiwan, about two million and eight hundred thousand people. Vegetarians accounts for up to 21.8 percent of world's population. So vegetarian traveling market is more and more important in the world. The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of traveling and how they choose the destination of travelers from different background. Then it explores the relationships between vegetarians and traveling, then to promote vegetarians to travel abroad. According to statistics based on questionnaires, travelers from different background has different travel constrains. Vegetarians have much more travel constrains than others, especially in interpersonal constrain, perceived risk and the constrain of food and beverages aspect. However, there are no significant differences between different dietary habits and destination chosen. We can infer that there are more and more reasons to become a vegetarian, not only religious reasons. So when vegetarians choose a traveling destination, there are more consideration factors.