本研究旨在藉由行動研究歷程,探討介入國小二年級學童情緒教育策略的實施歷程與成效,並提出教師在情緒教育策略教學歷程中的檢討與省思。 基於研究目的,本研究以研究者任教學校之可樂國小二年級「太陽班」(化名)學生進行情緒教育策略教學,研究以學生的文件收集、課堂觀察、家長、學生及協同教師回饋與研究者教學省思等方式做為相關資料蒐集方式,探討實施情緒教育策略對學生因應生氣情緒的影響。研究結果發現如下: 一、情緒教育策略之實施與教學方面:將情緒教育策略教學分為「情緒的辨識」及「生氣情緒的因應方式」兩部分的課程安排,並善用多元課程設計,能引起學生共鳴。 二、家長及學生對於情緒教育策略之回饋方面,均發現學生能在情緒教育策略課程中有所收穫,也較能以正向方式因應生氣情緒。 三、針對情緒教育策略教學提出需改進之處與因應策略方面:課程設計以學生身心發展及能力為起點,研究者需善加引導動態活動,並扣緊課程目標。 透過行動研究歷程,研究者從中獲得專業成長與省思。最後,研究者根據研究結果,對教師實施情緒教育策略及未來研究提出相關的建議。 This study aims to investigate the process and effects of emotional education strategy on second graders and to make teachers' evaluation and reflection during emotional education teaching through action research. This research information includes the documents, observations, feedback from parents, students, team teacher and researcher's reflection. This research investigates the process of carrying out the emotional education strategy for the second graders and its influence on students' response to anger. The results are as follows: 1. The implementation and instruction of emotional education strategy: Researcher divides the emotional education strategy teaching into two parts, "recognition of emotion" and "response to anger," and takes detecting one's own emotions, identifying others' emotions and appropriate expression and relief of anger as objects. 2. Emotional education strategy changed students' response to anger: Research results show that students can response to anger in positive way after the instruction of emotional education strategy. 3. The ways to implement emotional education strategy: The curriculum according to the student's physical and mental development and ability. The researcher needs to guide the dynamic activities in order to catch the course objectives. Researcher obtained professional growth and reflection through the process of action research. Finally, the researcher made suggestions to teachers' implementation for emotional education strategy and further research based on the conclusions of the research.