本研究目的欲了解接受美沙冬替代療法個案的生活經驗(lived experience),探究藥癮患者成癮及其藥癮緩解戒治的心路歷程。研究採立意取樣(purposeful sampling),研究對象為某綜合醫院持續接受美沙冬替代療法持續長達八年以上之藥癮患者兩位。在研究方法上,採Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber (1998)質性研究,「整體-內容」取向的敘事研究分析,邀請藥癮患者為受訪對象,深度訪談蒐集其個人關於自身藥癮與戒治經歷的主觀經驗,並以謄錄訪談錄音與逐字稿的方式整理訪談內容,進行資料分析。將分析歸納出受訪者個人及綜合的藥癮歷程發展脈絡與相關要素。研究發現研究參與者在接受美沙冬替代療法後:(一)接受美沙冬替代療法整體生活品質提升,如:生活作息規律、生理機能改善、可從事工作、人際關係改善。(二)家人的支持是持續戒癮治療的重要關鍵。(三)美沙冬的服藥便利性與彈性給藥將有助於持續藥癮戒治。(四)合併心理社會性處遇與藥物治療有助於藥癮戒治。期許本研究結果有助後續的研究者或臨床實務工作者,思考媒合有效因素與執行,以達藥癮戒治最大利益,並運用在國內藥癮治療之參考。 The research aims to understand the life experiences of the cases receiving Methadone Maintenance Therapy, and to explore the mental process of the drug addictive patients and the treatment of the drug addictive symptoms. The study adopted purposeful sampling, and the subjects were two patients with drug addiction continuing to receive Methadone Maintenance Therapy for more than eight years in a general hospital. The research adopted Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber (1998) qualitative methods and a holistic-content analysis. Inviting drug addictive patients as the interviewees, by collecting their personal drug addictive narrative experiences in abstinence and treatment, the contents of the interviews were compiled in the form of interview recordings and verbatim scripts, and data analysis was conducted. The analysis summarized the facts of the cases after receiving methadone replacement therapy as below: (1) the improvements the overall life quality of the patients receiving methadone maintenance therapy such as: daily routine, improvement of physiological functions, workability, and interpersonal relationships.(2) family support was a key element of the continuous drug withdrawal treatment.(3) the easily accessibility of Methadone and emetic administration of medications would contribute to the persistence of drug addictive behavior.(4) by combining psychosocial and drug treatments, it was helpful for drug addictive treatment. It is expected that the results of this study will be helpful for the follow-up researchers or clinical practitioners to think about how to combine the effective factors and implement the best for the addictives, and to adopt the references in domestic drug treatment.