本文研究目的在探索新時代高靈歐林的生死觀及喜悅生命的實踐之道。研究採用傅偉勳先生的創造詮釋學方法,詮釋新時代高靈歐林的生死觀點,及探討其提供人們在面對生命議題時之樂活學習地圖。 歐林認為生命的終極目標是體驗愛與喜悅的生活,而死亡則只是生命能量脫離物質肉身回到靈魂次元的一個回歸歷程。經由建構出你值得擁有喜悅富足的人生價值系統,依著活出喜悅生命的目的做出選擇並據以行動、找尋或創建一個能讓你悠遊於喜悅又對世界具有貢獻的人生志業,是喜悅生命的實踐之道。 有機生命體本具趨吉避凶離苦得樂的本能,不同於主流文化的苦行人生,歐林引領人們離恨擁愛,用喜樂驅逐報復不甘心的嗔念,選擇喜悅而非痛苦掙扎的成長。來自高層靈性存有的歐林訊息,提供一個經由愛與喜悅的意識轉化藍圖;給予陷於苦難生命者,一個經由喜悅之道轉化生命歷程的機會,一個在世即能離苦得樂重新建構喜悅人生的啟發。 The purpose of this study is to explore Olin's View of Life and Death in New Age and the way to live the joyful life. The Creative Hermeneutics Method of Mr. Charles Fu was conducted to interpret the life and death perspectives of Olin, as well as exploring Orin's learning map that teaches people how to live joyfully, when they face their life issues. Olin believes that the ultimate goal of life is to experience the life with love and joy, and Death is just a return process of life energy breaking away from the physical body back to the soul dimension. By constructing a value system that you deserve to have a joyful and prosperous live, making choices and acting truly according to the purpose of living a joyful life, and finding or creating a career that allows you to enjoy yourself in it and making contributions to the world at the same time are the ways of practice. Any organic life has the instinct to avoid misfortunes and chase happiness, different from the ascetic life in the mainstream culture, Olin leads people to have love instead of hate, chase happiness instead of taking revenge, choose joy instead of painful growth. The massages from Olin, a high-level spiritual existence, provides a guidance blueprint of how to make conscious transformation through love and joy. That provides those who are suffering an opportunity of life transformation, and enlighten them to get rid of pain and rebuild joyful life in this life.