摘要: | 《莊子》思想強調生命在精神上應淡化生老病死、健全殘缺之侷限,但不是被動地任應其生死流轉,毫無作為悲觀消極地活著,而是應致力順應天道自然,來完成實現個體存在的生命價值。其將人對形軀看法的角度,以美醜、殘全、愛惡、有用與無用,用寓言的描述筆法轉換其對話位置,讓魅力、智慧之道賦予在身軀殘缺者身上,開展他哲學思想隱涵的深刻淑世、療癒和再造的生機。筆者試以所學專長及生命經歷體驗結合,探討《莊子》內篇有關對身軀殘疾者的思想理路,論究其對身障馬術復健的啟發與實踐。因為馬術自古至今被視為高尚尊貴的技能活動,身障者能進行馬術復健的騎乘能力,在世俗的觀感上,變成相當大的反差。筆者認為這與莊子哲學思想,以寓言來描繪畸人具有的能力,對比位高權重者相形見絀的表現,形成的反差、反諷,也有著同樣之寓涵。 本文以《莊子》的療癒思想為根本,詮釋達致「德有所長而形有所忘」的人格境界,並具有「才全德不形」的價值內涵,和開展「有人之形,無人之情」的實踐方向,以彰顯莊子筆下畸人「知其不可奈何而安之若命」的通達理境,超脫外在形骸之殘缺,而德遊於形骸之內。並論述其與身障馬術復健的相通體現應用,此對身障者進行的馬術復健活動來說,如能融會貫通莊子哲學所揭露的療癒思想,轉而內化在其心靈層面,化解生命困境,安頓心靈順應自然,進而對生命內在價值進行自我追尋、心靈思想自由自我覺察等內在精神境界的積極提昇,這對從事馬術復健的身障者,是一劑能持續提供強心的良藥配方;同樣的,也能鼓舞更多身障者投入相關的復健活動,讓他們有一個圓滿充實的人生。 "Zhuangzi" emphasizes that life should conform to nature, Achieve the value of individual life, He puts people's perspectives on the shape of the body in terms of beauty, ugliness, disability, love and evil, usefulness, and uselessness. Use fables to describe the dialogue position, Give charm and wisdom to those who are physically disabled, To carry out the deep-seated world of his philosophical ideas, healing and rejuvenation. Equestrian has been regarded as a noble and noble skill activity since ancient times. Disabled people can perform such activities and have riding skills, Also on the world's traditional look and feel, Become a considerable contrast. The author thinks this and Zhuangzi's philosophical thought, Use fables to portray the ability of an abnormal person, Comparing the performance of the high-weighted people, It is ontrast and Iirony, Also has the same significance. The author tries to combine the expertise he has learned with his life experiences. To explore the principles of healing in the "Chuang Tzu" chapter on the person with disabilities, An interpretation of the realm of personality that achieves "the virtues of virtue and shape and forgetting", It has the value connotation of "ingeniousness and intangibility", And to carry out the practice of "the shape of some-one, no one's feeling", Discusses his enlightenment and practice of equestrian rehabilitation. |