隨著社會趨勢轉變,使得社工人員在面對服務類型愈見多元及案量與日俱增的雙重壓力,在高壓的環境下,造成無法有效輔導個案。社會工作者具有相對較高的工作使命,故本研究認為在工作壓力、工作使命及工作情緒間具有交互影響,並探討支持社會工作者維持工作持續力之原因,以供提升工作效率及留任意願之重要參考。 本研究採質性研究,以半結構式進行訪談,研究結果得到:(1)工作壓力來自於時間的急迫性、工作內容的不確定性及行政程序的要求;(2)工作使命對工作壓力具有調合及加乘作用;(3)工作使命將因工作壓力的調和與加乘分別造成工作情緒正向與負向影響。 With the change of social trends, social workers could not effectively counsel individuals under the great pressure of diversification of service types and the increasing cases. This study thinks that because of relatively high job mission of social workers, there has an interactive effect between job stress, job mission and job emotion. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons supporting social workers to maintain persistence of work. It's expected that the study can be used as an important reference for improving efficiency at work and intention to stay. This study adopted qualitative research methods and used semi-structured interview to collect data, and there are three conclusions as follows: (1) Job stress comes from the urgency of time, the uncertainty of work content and the requirements of administrative procedure; (2) Job mission has an effect of reconciliation and multiplication to job stress; (3) Job mission will cause positive and negative effects of job emotion due to an effect of reconciliation and multiplication of job stress.