本研究旨在探討國際醫療援助志工之參與動機、參與後的影響,及未來是否持續參與國際醫療援助的意願等,並依據研究結果提出相關建議,以供國際醫療援助團體與醫療志工參考。 本研究採用半結構式訪談,針對曾於2015年5月參與台灣路竹會赴尼泊爾進行地震後賑災醫療援助之志工為研究對象,並針對參與動機、國際醫療援助經驗、心得及影響等面向予以探討。 本研究之結果與發現如下:1.專業醫療志工先前曾有國際醫療援助經驗,有助於其繼續參與國際醫療援助行動。2.國際醫療援助之過程有助於醫療志工增加醫療實務經驗、跨文化學習與克服困境、累積義診經驗及更具有多元角色彈性等。3.國際醫療援助志工可藉由參與國際醫療援助,跳脫舊有自我框架並建構新的正向價值觀。 本研究依據前述研究結果與發現,茲建議欲參與國際醫療援助之志工宜學習尊重生命、尊重當地文化、具備團隊精神,並進行自我健康照護。 The purpose of this study is to explore the motivation and process of professional medical volunteers participating in international medical relief and their willingness to continue to participate in international medical relief in the future. According to the research results, we expect to provide some specific suggestions to the international medical relief corps and medical volunteers. This study based on semi-structured interview, interviewed six professional medical volunteers who had been participated in Nepal earthquake relief of Taiwan root medical corps in May, 2015 and with a purpose to explore the impacts of participating motivation and their international medical relief exerting on the professional medical volunteers. The results are showed: 1.The experience of the professional medical volunteers participating in international medical relief facilitates a virtuous circle of participating in international medical relief in the future.2.The impact of international medical relief on the professional medical volunteers is to increase clinical experience, cross-cultural learning experience, accumulated experience and more flexibility of role playing.3.The professional medical volunteers participating in international medical relief was valid as an effective model to facilitate the participants' positive value themselves. According to the research results, suggestions were made in regard to the volunteers for international medical relief is to respect the perspective of life, respect for local culture, have team spirit and self-health care.