KTV同業競爭非常的激烈,KTV業者感受到消費者有更多的選擇和消費者對KTV的喜好也不同,經營者感受到消費者對於消費方式跟以往差異許多,KTV經營方式不再是一成不變,必須不斷的更新變化,與時俱進並配合現代化的經營策略,使經營策略可以更加吸引消費者,因此希望藉此研究合家歡KTV消費者的想法和消費習性,了解KTV消費者的消費行為模式,得到消費者合理消費規則,認知合家歡KTV經營模式定位族群與年齡範圍,以增進合家歡KTV的經營策略,適合消費者的需求,吸引更多社會大眾,培養忠實顧客,將研究得到結果使合家歡KTV經營可以更加的完善。 本研究對象主要以嘉義市合家歡KTV消費者為研究樣本,並採便利抽樣之調查方式蒐集問卷,共計發出450份問卷,回收問卷402份,刪除答題不完全之消費者後,有效問卷共363份,有效問卷回收率為80.9%,研究分析結果顯示:1.服務品質對消費者忠誠度有顯著影響。2.服務品質對消費者設施滿意度有顯著影響。 3.消費者設施滿意度對消費者忠誠度有顯著影響。4.消費者特性對消費者忠誠度有顯著影響。5.消費者設施滿意度對服務品質與消費者忠誠度存在中介效果。6.消費者特性對服務品質與消費者忠誠度存在干擾效果。 KTV's peer competition is very intense. KTV operators feel that consumers have more choices and consumers' preferences for KTV are different. Operators feel that consumers have different ways of consumption than before, and KTV's mode of operation is no longer fixed. They must constantly change and follow up with modern business strategies, so that the business strategy can attract more consumers. Hence, this study is to explore the ideas and consumer habits of KTV consumers, understand the KTV consumer behavior patterns, get consumers' reasonable consumption rules, recognize KTV's business model to target ethnic groups and age range, enhance the business strategy of KTV, suit the needs of consumers, attract more members of the public, cultivate customers loyalty, and apply the results in enabling KTV to operate more smoothly. The sample of this study was mainly distributed to the KTV customers in Chiayi City as the target of the questionnaire. The questionnaires are distributed in paper. A total of 450 questionnaires were sent, 402 questionnaires were returned. There were a total of 364 questionnaires after removing questionnaires that weren't fully answered. The valid questionnaire recovery rate was 80.9%. The research and analysis results showed that: 1.Service quality has a significant impact on consumer loyalty.2.Service quality has a significant impact on consumer satisfaction.3.Consumer facility satisfaction has a significant impact on consumer loyalty.4.Consumer characteristics have a significant impact on consumer loyalty.5.Consumer facility satisfaction has a mediating effect on service quality and consumer loyalty.6.Consumer characteristics have a interference effect on service quality and consumer loyalty.