本研究以嘉義某高職學生作為研究調查,探討高職學生背景變項的不同,在人格特質與學習風格是否具有顯著差異,以是否考取專業證照、學涯規劃、是否曾經參加過任何校內外競賽、在校學業成績等背景變項作為學習成效,並加入迴歸分析探討其與人格特質與學習風格是否具有顯著影響關係。研究問卷採用非隨機的便利抽樣法的方式進行問卷調查,共發出500份問卷,回收445份問卷,扣除13份無效問卷,有效問卷432份,有效問卷回收率97.08%,並利用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行分析,本研究所得結論如下:1. 家庭所得的不同對人格特質與學習風格具顯著差異。2. 人格特質對學習風格不具顯著正向之影響。3. 人格特質對學習成效不具顯著正向之影響。4. 學習風格對學習成效具有顯著正向之影響,學習風格對在校學業成績具有正向顯著相關。 This study is aim to investigate the differences variables in the background of vocational students, the distinguishes in Personality Traits and Learning Styles, the intention to obtain professional licenses, plan for academic boundaries, the willingness to participate in any intramural or out-of-school competitions, and academic achievements. Based on the regression analysis, the research results suggest to explore whether it has a significant influence on Personality Traits and Learning Styles. The questionnaires used non-random sampling method to conduct the survey. Among of total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, 445 questionnaires were received, 432 questionnaires were valid and 13 invalid questionnaires were deducted. SPSS software was used to conduct data analysis and verify the following statements: 1.The differences in household income will create significant differences in Personality Traits and Learning Styles.2.Personality Traits do not have a significant positive effect on the Learning Style.3.Personality Traits do not have a significant positive effect on Learning Outcomes.4.Learning Style has a significant positive effect on Learning Outcomes, and Learning Style has a positive and significant correlation with academic performance in school.