背景及目的:療癒療癒是現代的流行用語,能使創傷減輕,壓力降低和情緒紓緩,在緊湊繁瑣的日常事務中,如何使人與自然結合產生療癒的作用,調整人與自然的人居環境,使人在生活行為中也能夠師法自然,維持身體柔韌度與心靈祥和。生活空間的設置不僅需要考慮到個人與集體的功能性需求,在現代風水與園藝的介入下,追求個人目標與幸福成為另類輔助參考工具。Capolongo認為建築是健康和幸福的產生者,認為建築師在保健方面扮演的角色相較於醫生更具有關鍵作用。在某些狹義的定義中,將透過健康的室內環境設計改善人類的健康也歸類到建築的宗旨內,一個促進其健康、快樂、幸福的環境,成為當前全民關心的議題。 材料及方法:本研究擬採文獻回顧方式,藉由周易與傳統風水典籍與現代科學研究之資料,透過文獻的搜尋與交叉比對,從中探討「益康環境」與「療癒」的議題,以及針對身心靈相關圖書與資料進行原文之蒐集。另以近代中、西有關益康之相關期刊論文,作為現代益康風水療癒科學之驗證資料,將現代中西醫學有關身心益康的理論作一整理歸納,結合中國傳統文化的風水學對設計手法、空間組成等因素將居家內外空間進行詮釋成為國內外研究的一個新方向。 結果:現今眾多科技與人文趨勢中,能貢獻給人的健康生活的種種因素中,「環境」此變項的重要性逐漸地受到各方重視。而所謂的「環境療法」(therapeutic environments)或「全人治癒性環境」(healing environments)可說是此大趨勢所倡議出的最具含括性的一個理念。因此將「益康」或「療癒性」的概念融入建築物中,以此促成帶來健康、快樂、幸福的環境,成為當前全民關心的議題。風水的科學不單純是用美學的協調感去觀察,應該有其未知和值得深究的地方,因此將傳統風水學與現代環境療法結合應用於實務上,從而藉由心理影響生理的效果達成益康的良性影響,是具有可行性並且值得持續深入探討的研究方向。 Background and Purpose: Inspirational, one of the modern language using nowadays. It does curing people whom struggling of handling their compact and complicated daily affairs. How to combine an inspirational design into day life then play a role in decreasing and releasing emotional pressure will be a topic. The setting of living space not only need to concern about functional requirements but also has to regulate the ambience between human and nature. Therefore, thanks to the participated of modern Feng Shui and gardening technique which makes "sense of accomplishment" and "happiness" become a new reference target. Architect Capolongo recommend an architect plays a key role offer health care and recognize architecture is a role of creator that provide health and happiness to human. Nowadays, there is a widespread belief that to ameliorate human health by means of interior design turns into a new topic of discussion. Materials and Methods: This research was tried to discuss and investigate about "healthful surroundings" and "Inspirational" by using traditional "I Ching", "Feng Shui", related literature, ancient records, modern architecture research and "physical and mental health" types of modern research. Moreover, the research organizes and analyze related information about physical and mental health referred to modern Chinese and western medicine theses, then integrated the analysis, architectural design method and construction of space with "Feng Shui" to bring a new concept. Results: Due to the fast-paced nature of technology and humanistic trends, the contribution of environmental design has higher proportion in bring healthy life and has been emphasized. Therefore, therapeutic environments and healing environments were initiated. In this situation, how to make "healthy" and "inspirational" blend into architecture and bring happiness become the issues of national concern. Traditional Feng Shui technique are effective in mental affection and fortune changing, indeed, how to cooperate Feng Shui and therapeutic environments to achieve psychological influence on physiology and brings positive effect is going to be feasible and worth to investigate.