藥妝店購物一向是臺灣民眾到日本旅遊的必列行程,藥妝品也是民眾重要的伴手禮,甚至衍生網路上另一種「代購」商機。本研究擬運用典型相關探討遊客購買日本藥妝品的動機與休閒效益之情形及互相間的影響關係,故以此為主要變項進行典型相關研究。本研究採問卷調查法收集有效問卷共381份,有效問卷回收率為97.44%,經典型相關分析驗證研究假說,結果顯示:(1)遊客購買日本藥妝品之動機與休閒效益之間存在典型相關性。(2)不同背景的遊客在購買日本藥妝品之動機具有顯著差異。(3)不同背景的遊客在購買日本藥妝品之休閒效益具有顯著差異。 女性遊客購買日本藥妝品的動機與心理效益顯著高於男性,購買的品項最多者與認為最棒者為藥品,但實際研究發現保健食品的生理效益高於藥品,而購買日本藥妝品所獲得的休閒效益以心理上的愉快滿足大於生理上的改善身體不適症狀。典型相關的結果說明國人普遍喜歡送禮大方、自用相宜的日本藥妝品,而這可能是形成國人去日本旅遊時大肆購買藥妝品的風氣之原因。 本研究建議遊客購買日本藥妝品時不必對其生理效益抱有太大的期待。另建議業者在行銷藥妝品上針對女性族群做設計,才能鞏固主要客群;而在後續研究則建議學者可針對遊客購買日本藥妝品的「從眾行為」做更深入的研究與探討。 Drug store shopping has always been a must-trip for Taiwanese citizens to travel to Japan. Cosmeceuticals are also a major gift for the people, and they even generate a business of purchasing on someone's behalf from abroad. This study intends to use canonical correlations to explore the motivation and leisure benefits of tourists purchasing Japanese cosmeceuticals and the relationship between them, so this is the main variable for a canonical correlation study. It gathers 381 valid responses in a return rate of 97.44%. The empirical study found that: 1.There is a canonical correlation between the motivation of tourists to purchase Japanese cosmeceuticals and leisure benefits.2.Tourists of different backgrounds have significant differences in the motivation and leisure benefits of purchasing Japanese cosmeceuticals. In general, the motivation and psychological benefits of female tourists buying Japanese cosmeceuticals are significantly higher than that of men. Most of the purchase items and the best ones were considered to be pharmaceuticals, but actual research found that the health benefits of health foods were higher than those of pharmaceuticals. The psychological benefits of buying Japanese cosmeceuticals are higher than the physiological benefits. Visitors generally like Japanese cosmeceuticals suitable for gifts and for their own use. This may be the reason for the unmistakable trend of buying Japanese cosmeceuticals when traveling to Japan. This study suggests that tourists do not expect too much of the physiological benefits when purchasing Japanese cosmeceuticals. The industry must design for women in the marketing of cosmeceuticals in order to consolidate the main customer base. For further suggestion, there could be some profound research and discussion on "herd behavior" for tourists to purchase Japanese cosmeceuticals.