本研究之研究目的在運用繪本教學融入性別平等教育以改善學生的性別刻板印象,設計適合四年級學生的繪本教學課程,透過行動研究方式增進教師的專業成長與省思。 本研究以行動研究法為主,以性別刻板量表的SPSS量化資料為輔,以高雄市九如國小四年級25名學生為研究對象,從「角色特質」、「活動遊戲、「家務分工」與「職業工作」」四個層面,挑選八本繪本,進行十週的繪本教學活動。研究者蒐集教學活動歷程、繪本回饋單、同儕教師觀察記錄及教學手札記錄等資料,檢視與修正繪本教學內容,並促進教師專業能力的成長。 以下為本研究之結論:一、研究者依據性別刻板印象四個層面設計適合國小四年級性別教育繪本課程教學方案。二、性別教育繪本教學能改善四年級學生的性別刻板印象。三、性別教育繪本教學能改善四年級學生「角色特質」的性別刻板印象。四、性別教育繪本教學能改善四年級學生「活動遊戲」的性別刻板印象。五、性別教育繪本教學能改善四年級學生「家務分工」的性別刻板印象。六、性別教育繪本教學能改善四年級學生「職業工作」的性別刻板印象。七、行動研究方法能幫助教師專業素質的提升。 The purpose of this study is to improve students' gender stereotypes by using picture books to integrate gender equality education. This study is also designed a picture book teaching courses for fourth-grade students and enhanced the professional growth and reflection of teacher through action research. The research is mainly based on the action research method, which is assisted by the SPSS quantitative data of the gender stereotyping scale. Twenty-five fourth grade students from Jeou-ru primary school in Kaohsiung participated in this study. We choose up eight picture books from the four aspects of characteristic, activities and games, division of housework and professionalism to go for ten weeks of picture book teaching activities. Researcher collects the information on the course of teaching activities, feedback sheets, peer observation records, and teaching notes to review and revise picture book teaching content, and promote the growth of teachers' professional ability. The followings are the conclusions of the study: 1.The researchers could design gender education picture book teaching plan for the 4th grade of gender education for elementary school according to the four levels of gender stereotype.2.Gender education picture book teaching could improve gender stereotypes of fourth-grade students.3.Gender education picture book teaching could improve gender stereotypes of characteristic of fourth-grade students.4.Gender education picture book teaching could improve gender stereotypes of activities and Games of fourth-grade students.5.Gender education picture book teaching could improve gender stereotypes of division of housework of fourth-grade students.6.Gender education picture book teaching could improve gender stereotypes of professionalism of fourth-grade students.7.Action research methods could improve professional qualities of teacher.