「九二共識」在台灣是引起高度爭議的敏感政治議題,也是目前劃分當前政治立場的關鍵指標。泛藍陣營認為「九二共識」就是「『一』個『中』國『各』自『表』述」,「各表」是指兩岸對「一中」意義有不同立場,而我方所認為的「一中」就是「中華民國」。至於泛綠陣營則根本認為,「九二共識」並不存在,「各表」不同的「一中」是泛藍陣營的一廂情願,講「一中」就是「中華人民共和國」,沒有「各表」的空間。以2016年總統大選的結果看來,民眾似乎是反對「九二共識」居多。然而,無論陳水扁執政時所說的「不會宣布獨立,不會更改國號,不會推動兩國論入憲,不會推動改變現狀的統獨公投,也沒有廢除國統綱領與國統會的問題」,或目前蔡英文政府所說的,要繼續在中華民國憲法下進行兩岸往來的「維持現狀」,其實都是拐彎抹角呈現與「九二共識」相同的內涵。既然如此,為何不能接受「九二共識」呢?對此本研究主張,反對「九二共識」其實是因為資訊的不足,且受到政治意識形態的影響,只要有良好的解說與澄清,民眾能接受的程度與幅度將大幅提升。 The "92 Consensus" is highly controversial in Taiwan and the key indicator identifying the political positions. The pan-blue camp thinks that the "92 consensus" means that there is only "one China," but the two sides of Taiwan Strait have different interpretations regarding "China." Taiwan side asserts that one China is "Republic of China." As for the pan-green camp, it believes that the "1992 consensus" does not exist at all, and there is no room for different interpretations regarding one "China," which is exactly the "People's Republic of China." The results of the 2016 presidential election in Taiwan seemly suggested that the majority of Taiwanese did not support the "92 consensus." Is that true? This study argues that opposition to "92 consensus" is actually due to a lack of information and political ideology. With good explanations and clarifications, Taiwanese people's support to "92 consensus" will be greatly increased.