本研究主要探究台灣某縣市政府實施「106年未升學未就業青少年關懷扶助計畫」現況與待解決問題。研究目的為以下三點:一是瞭解在台灣某縣市辦理「106年未升學未就業青少年關懷扶助計畫」之執行情形。二為探究影響台灣某縣市「106年未升學未就業青少年關懷扶助計畫」政策問題之因素。三是歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,以作為相關機關推動「未升學未就業青少年關懷扶助計畫」政策之參考。 研究者採內容分析法、深度訪談法,共訪談8位於106年6月至12月參與「106年未升學未就業青少年關懷扶助計畫」之社工員、承辦人共4位,參與青少年4位,從中探討「106年未升學未就業青少年關懷扶助計畫」之經驗。研究結果如下:一、資源整合困難:在資源整合與應用方面不夠多元與穩固,需更多資源的連結相互交流。二、與各行政團隊溝通互動:在執行計畫時需要十分充足的時間與空間,在與這些青少年互動時更需要彈性度與接納度夠高的外在環境,時常需要更多時間才能達成共識。三、主導權不足:青少年因還屬於國民義務教育體系中,時常被學校調回,因此而阻礙所提供的課程,失去課程的完整性。四、交通與接送:因路途遙遠,需指派人員進行接送。另外也有因考慮到路途與交通,造成青少年家長憂慮路程安全而不願讓青少年入班。五、誘因不足:此計畫對於青少年誘因不足,造成青少年動機不足而參與計畫意願不高。研究者歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,以作為相關機關推動「未升學未就業青少年關懷扶助計畫」政策之參考。 This research focuses on the policy of helping the youth who are neither in school nor under employement. The purposes of this study are as follow. (1) understand the reality after the policy has been practiced in a southern county. (2)explore the problems after the policy has been practiced in a southern county by evaluation of policy. (3) summarize and suggest for evaluating the project of helping the youth not in education nor employment. By taking documentary analysis and in-depth interview methods, the reseacher had talked eight policy stakeholders who had been the project from June to December, 2017, in order to get a deeper look to this exploration, the study results are stated below: First, it is difficult to integrate different resources, such as between Education Bureau and Social Bureau. Second, it takes a lot of time to communicate, discuss, and even convince different departments. Third, for the youth who are neither in school nor under employed, which is more important, go back to school or get training for their carrers? The last one is less motivations for parcticig the project whether the distance or the paidment. The reseacher will base on the results that mentioned above to give suggestions that focus on the project of helping the youth not in education nor employment from the view of evaluation of policy.