政治菁英,是當今研究中國大陸政治的核心議題,其中最高領導層峰選拔與升遷的「制度化」,更是核心中的核心。儘管多數學者認為,中共政治菁英的選拔與升遷已逐漸制度化,但在習近平接掌政權後,政治菁英選拔與升遷的制度化似乎卻顯得不堪一擊。究竟,中共從十六大以來「制度化」的發展,是否有助於增進外界對於中共的正面印象?而習近平就任以來至十九大諸多違背「制度化」的作法,是否助長對於中共的負面印象?尤其,在承受著中共不尋常關注的臺灣,中共政治菁英制度化又在何種程度上影響民眾對中共的觀感?面對現有研究上的此一缺口,本文嘗試透過問卷調查予以填補。 Political elites are the core issue of studing contemporary politics in mainland China today. The institutionalization of the election and promotion of the top leadership of CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is the core of the core. Although most scholars believe that the selection and promotion of the CCP political elite have gradually become institutionalized, this institutionalization appears to be vulnerable after Xi Jin-Ping took power. After all, whether the institutionalizing development of the CCP's since the 16th Party Congress can enhance the positive impression poses of the CCP's? Moreover, after the 19th Congress, many rules are violated. Did these violation have contributed to the negative impression of the CCP? In particular, Taiwan is the focus of CCP, to what extent is the nstitutionalization of the CCP's political elite affect Taiwanese people's impression of CCP? Faced with this gap in existing researches, this paper attempts to fill it through a questionnaire survey.