本研究目的在探討家具抽屜把手的造型及材質影響消費者購買意願之程度,採用問卷調查法,以「家具抽屜把手選擇與購買意願關係研究問卷」做為研究工具,並以性別、年齡、學歷、職業、平均月收入為自變項,以設計及材質做為依變項,針對台灣高雄地區的消費者,採隨機方式進行問卷調查。總計問卷發送出數量為200份,回收有效問卷數量為150份,有效回收率達75%。根據問卷調查所得資料進行統計與分析,並運用描述性統計獲得以下之結論:1.在家具抽屜把手設計的喜好度方面: 消費者對於內凹式把手喜好度的平均數為3.48,為最受消費者喜愛的把手設計。不同年齡層對於外拉平貼式把手(F=3.471)及外拉垂掛式把手(F=3.108)喜好度有顯著差異性;不同學歷對於中間內凹式把手(F=2.635)及外拉式把手(F=7.814)喜好度有顯著差異性;不同職業對於內崁長方形把手(F=4.086)及外拉垂掛式把手(F=2.436)喜好度有顯著差異性;不同平均月收入對於內崁正方形把手(F=2.887)及外拉拱橋式把手(F=2.874)喜好度有顯著差異性。2.在家具抽屜把手材質的喜好度方面: 消費者對於木材把手喜好度的平均數為3.63,為最受消費者喜愛的把手材質。不同性別對於外拉式鋁合金把手(F=4.062)喜好度有顯著差異性;不同年齡層對於內崁式木材把手(F=2.410)及外拉式鋁合金把手(F=2.293)喜好度有顯著差異性;不同學歷對於外拉式鋁合金把手(F=2.465)和外拉式塑膠把手(F=4.396)喜好度有顯著差異性;不同職業對於內崁鋁合金把手(F=2.982)和內崁塑膠把手(F=2.748)喜好度有顯著差異性;不同平均月收入對於外拉式木材把手(F=2.800)喜好度有顯著差異性。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship with purchase intention research of furniture drawer handle selection. In order to achieve the goal of the study, it used a questionnaire as a research tool. The survey queried gender, age, education, occupation, with average monthly income as the independent variable, and it used the drawer pulls styles and materials as the dependent variable. The target group included the people who are living in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. There were 150 questionnaires were returned (75%). The average consumer preference for recessed handles is 3.48 which means a recessed handle is the most popular drawer pull styles. There were significant differences in the preference between age and knob pulls (F=3.471), age and drop handle (F=3.108). There were significant differences in the preference between education and recessed handles (F=2.635), education and drawer pulls (F=7.814). There were significant differences in the preference between occupations and recessed handles (F=4.086), occupations and drop handles (F=2.436). There were significant differences in the preference between average monthly income and recessed handles (F=2.887), average monthly income and arch pulls (F=2.874). The average consumer preference for wood handles is 3.63 which means wood handles are the most popular drawer pull material. There was significant difference in the preference between gender and metal drawer pulls (F=4.062). There were significant differences in the preference between age and wood recessed handles (F=2.410), age and metal drawer pulls (F=2.293). There were significant differences in the preference between education and metal drawer pulls (F=2.465), education and plastic drawer pulls (F=4.396). There were significant differences in the preference between occupations and metal recessed handles (F=2.982), occupations and plastic recessed handles (F=2.748). There were significant differences in the preference between average monthly income and wood drawer pulls (F=2.800).