臉書直播愈來愈夯,因為其具專業性及黏性高,業已成為重要的網路行銷通道。有鑑於臉書直播閱聽眾對直播主形象印象好壞、產生何種顧客期望、認知價值、以及對顧客抱怨處理與滿意度等,都是影響閱聽眾對臉書直播忠誠度的重要因素,其亦為臉書直播粉絲願意長期黏著直播者的根源。因此,本研究以臉書直播時閱聽眾對直播主形象、顧客期望、認知價值、抱怨處理、顧客滿意與度忠誠度之間的影響關係為研究重點,以該臉書直播粉絲專頁的紛絲為樣本,進行資料收集並進行實證分析,共收集329份線上問卷調查,有效問卷268份,回收率為 81.45%。研究結果如下:直播主形象對顧客期望、認知價值、抱怨處理、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度有正向影響關係;顧客期望對認知品質、認知價值有正向影響關係;抱怨處理對滿意度有正向影響關係;直播主形象以閱聽眾對直播主的整體印象為最高;閱聽眾對於直播時,處理顧客抱怨的滿意度為最高;直播主形象透過閱聽眾對直播主的整體印象影響忠誠度的效果最為顯著。 Facebook live streaming has become more and more popular because of its professionalism and stickiness, and also become an important channel for online marketing. Given that Facebook streaming viewers to streamer impression, customer expectation, perceived value, processing for customers complaint and satisfaction, all of these are important factors that influence viewers' loyalty to Facebook online streaming. This study focuses on exploring the influences of streamer impression, customer expectation, perceived value, complaint handling, customer satisfaction on loyalty. Taking fans of the fanpage of a Fishing Tackle Store as a sample, data collection and empirical analysis were carried out. A total of 329 online questionnaires were collected, include 268 valid questionnaires. The return rate was 81.45%. The results are as follows: streamer impression has a positive effect on customer expectation, perceived value, complaint handling, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on cognitive quality and perceived value. Streamer impression is highest to streaming viewers. Streaming viewers' satisfaction with handling customer complaints was highest. Streamer impression has most significant effect on loyalty.