以台灣現今社會來看,對於離婚的越南婦女有許多刻板印象,例如:她們不關心家庭、她們只在乎錢、她們拋棄自己的孩子及她們對婚姻的不忠...。因此,本論文的重點是探討在台灣已離婚的越南婦女之社會地位、離婚後所面臨的挑戰、且如何改善因越南婦女身份所承受的社會偏見。過去許多研究提及對於外籍配偶和離婚婦女的社會偏見。本文深入探索有關已離婚的越南婦女之相關議題,以及他們受傳統價值觀的束縛之解決方案。藉由深入探訪 13 名已離婚的越南婦女所蒐集的有效數據,從兩個觀點切入去探討已離婚越南婦女:挑戰/危機與轉機。從社會和文化資本的角度,敘述越南婦女如何調適離婚後的生活,並改善社會對離婚女性的偏見。本文的結論是,雖然她們是離婚的身分,但並不表示她們不再與家人一起共同承擔責任,而是繼續扮演好稱職的媳婦和母親的角色。 From the Taiwanese society, there are many bad views about Vietnamese divorced women such as: "They do not care family", "they only care money", "they left their children", "they are adultery",… Therefore, it is important for this thesis to explore the adjustment of Vietnamese women after divorce in Taiwan, challenges after divorce, social supports and the relationship between adjustment and stigma, by focusing on the Vietnamese women's identities alleviate the stigma of divorced women. Many previous studies mention about stigma of immigrant women and stigma of divorced women. This thesis extends underexplored aspects about Vietnamese divorced women who use traditional values to alleviate stigma from society. Drawing on qualitative data collected from in-depth interviews with 13 Vietnamese divorced women, I examine two aspects of Vietnamese divorced women: Challenges/stigmas and adjustment. From social and cultural capital perspectives resonating with identity concept are used to explain how the Vietnamese women adjust their life after divorce and alleviate stigmas about divorced women from society. This thesis concludes that although they are divorced women, it does not mean that they stop their responsibilities with family, they adjust their life which relies on their traditional roles of filial daughter and responsible mother.