Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is an integrated product design process involving all members of designers and customers. It is a method for mapping and prioritizing customer requirements into functional features and technical modules to optimize market performance. Although the quality of a product can be dramatically improved through a QFD exercise, the tra-ditional crisp scoring approach has a major drawback. A wrong conclusion can be easily produced since the fuzzy nature of linguistic correlation terms from evaluation members is ignored. To overcome this problem, fuzzy scoring for linguistic terms is proposed in this paper. The imple-mentation case of a low-end digital camera design shows that the result of the proposed fuzzy QFD model can reflect the certainty level of an evaluation term, which is designated for each correlation of customer requirements and technical requirements considered in design.
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering/國際應用科學與工程學刊 Vol. 2, no. 3 pp.222-233