近年來,國人對消費之商品品質的要求已日益嚴格,不但注重商品成分、製造日期、與規格之標示,亦十分強調商品的安全性。防止兒童誤啓誤食的藥品包裝(CR藥品包裝)在國內也逐漸受到重視。本研究以防止兒童誤啓誤食藥品安全包裝瓶爲研究重心,並以系統人因工程評價法中的使用者測試法、問卷調查、與直交表實驗計劃法等爲研究方法,去探討國外CR藥品包裝設計對國人的適用性,並分析國人在各年齡層的開啓能力與了解使用者操作需求,依此協助設計師建立CR藥品包裝瓶設計輔助系統。 Recently, due to the improvement of living environment, people in Taiwan became aware of the importance of product quality and safety. The packaging of child-resistant (CR) medicine is also noticed gradually. However, only very few researchesregarding the CR packaging can found. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify some important factors for the bottle design of CR packaging that may be available for children in Taiwan The study uses the techniques of quality engineering and statistical analysis of variance in the development process. In addition, user trials, questionnaires, and some children's anthropometric data regarding bottle openings and hand operations are also measured and analyzed. The result should assist designers to determine important CR design parameters and their most suitable combination for further bottle design.