設計是一門具有高度創意的藝術。長期以來,與設計相關領域的學者們,透過對各種設計作品的觀察研究,以逐漸發展出一些方法、原理、觀念,使得設計師由自我構思之黑箱的發展程序,轉變為明箱的發展程序。這些方法與觀念若能配合電腦圖像建構的原理,將可使設計師之創意構想獲得更有效率的表達。基於此,如何促使設計師運用電腦進行構想之形態建構,成為本研究探討之主要課題。 本研究將建立之繪圖系統與現有之最大不同,是本系統在創作過程中,將具有規則性的演變及發展形式,作成圖形程式模組,但仍完整保留屬於設計師自我表現意念的部分。這種規則性的圖形模組與非規則性的設計師自我表現意念彼此交互作用下,使整個創作過程可透過電腦的輔助,在短時間內作大量的構想發散,將有助於強化造形的發展。本研究並以二度空間之錯視形態圖形建構為例,探討造形電腦化的可行性。 Design is a kind of art which heavily relies on creativity. Recently, designers in this field have gradually developed some methods, principles and concepts that help transform the designer's intangible brain-working process into a tangible working process. If such principles and concepts can be combined with the image structuring principle of computer, it will greatly contribute to the expression efficiency of the designers, thus consolidating the automation of designing. In view of this,the main purpose of this research is to study how to use computer as ameans in the idea and image generation. The objective of this research is to set up a new computer-aideddesign system to help quicken the process of designing. However, what makes this system so distinguished from other computer-aided design system is that it systematically identifies some regular forms and rulesinto a different graphic programming module. The designer can use this module to generate ideas based on a specific design requirements. In this research, the generation of visual illusion composition was used as a caseto help evaluate the feasibility of using computer in form design.