索羅門群島(Solomon Islands)有著豐富的音樂文化,筆者藉由長期的田野工作,除了進行瞭解當地流行音樂文化的歷史脈絡之外,也經由調查各類音樂活動和進行的方式,以及透過與民眾以及歌手的多層次訪問,來進行描述與建構流行音樂市場的一個概貌,並在數位音樂市場中,調查現今青少年對流行音樂喜愛的程度和偏好,分析消費者和音樂的產銷關係,以期對當地的流行音樂文化,有一個較為全面而整體的瞭解和掌握。 論文內容共分五個章節,第一章是緒論,包含了研究動機目的、文獻回顧以及研究方法及步驟。第二章概述索羅門群島生活環境、經濟現況和音樂與教育現況。第三章為瓜達卡納爾島(Guadalcanal)首都荷尼阿拉(Honiara)的流行音樂相關環境與歷史背景的耙梳,以及現今音樂活動、網路與音樂的發展現況。第四章述及流行音樂市場歌手的經歷、網路平台對數位音樂的影響、音樂噪音的防治以及將音樂納入教育課程的諸多現象。其中並以當地的二首傳統歌謠(Bilikiki)和(kokosu)為例,進行歌曲樂譜化的可能性研究。第五章為整體音樂環境現況及調查研究後的心得與想法,並為日後更進一步的可能相關研究提出參考與建議。 Solomon Islands are full of musical cultures. The writer, I, describe the local music industrial market by daily records and questionnaires and review the music activities in the past from those data to collect the basic informations of local music. I also review the relationship between customer's choice and how they influence the local market to understand the youths' choices and the acceptances of music types then describe the inner culture. There are five chapters in this article. First is review included objectives, research review and others. Chapter 2 describe the environment, economic, music and educations' situation.Chapter 3 review the popular music industrial progress in Honiara, the capital city in Solomon Islands. Chapter 4 describe the experiences from musicians, the effect of internet, noise pollution and music education. The writer also use two local songs" Bilikiki" and" Kokosu" to discuss about the possibility of music evolution. Chapter 5 is the conclution.