本論文探討中國近現代著名高僧虛雲法師生平學思歷程及其禪學思想體系。虛雲法師對近現代中國佛教有著卓絕的貢獻,他肩祧禪門五家,延續佛教法脈。本論文擬從虛雲法師畢生貢獻中做一整理總結,進一步將虛雲法師之禪學思想內容做一歸納。虛雲法師之禪學思想內容主要為一種獨特之「看話頭」參禪方法。筆者將此一「看話頭」禪法從四個方面來探討:認識賓主、話頭與看話頭、起疑情,並論述看話頭有四種階段與對治方法,這一虛雲法師最主要的參禪方法的關鍵之處為何?本論文最後再進一步歸納出虛雲法師融通禪淨的理念與方法。虛雲法師這些珍貴的智慧結晶,對後代學人而言,不僅具有深刻的省思與啟發,也是具有極大的參照價值與實用意義。 This article is aim to explore the life history of Master Hsu-Yun and his views about Zen. Master Hsu-Yun has a great contribution to modern Chinese Buddhism. He succeed five Zen sections and developed Zen in his entrire life. This article intends to make a summary from the contribution of Master Hsu-Yun, and further expand of his Zen ideology. The content of his Zen thought system is mainly a unique method of "Kan hua Zen". A way to see the rising of the very first thought. I will explore this "Kan hua Zen" method from four aspects: recognizing the subjet and the object, understanding the thought and the first thought, the doubts, and discussing the four stages of examining the process. What is the key point of the method? At the end of this thesis, I further summarize the ideas and methods of Master Hsu-Yun's veiw points of combination practice of Zen and Prue Land. The precious wisdom of Master Hsu-Yun is not only profoundly thought-provoking and inspiring for future generations, but also has great reference value and practical significance.