摘要: | 背景及目的:當年青人邁進大學殿堂,開始面對另一階段的人生旅程,他們亦同時開始面對成長路上各式各樣的問題。根據董氏基金會在2008年進行的「大學生主觀壓力源與憂鬱情緒之相關性調查」顯示幾乎每四人就有一人受到憂鬱情緒困擾,需要專業協助。從調查中可見受訪者紓解壓力方式的前三名,依序為「自己上網」、「休息或睡覺」和「網路即時通訊軟體」,與網路相關的選項就占了兩個。因此如何讓他們增加對現實生活的存在感、愉悅感,加強與身邊的人、事、物的溝通就更顯重要。國內外有不少研究指出從事園藝活動可以讓參與者獲得在情緒,認知,社交及身心健康等方面的福祉效益,也可以幫助他們對外在世界有更敏銳的感知。因此本研究之主要目的為探討園藝活動對改善大學生在情緒及認知壓力管理的效果。 材料及方法:本研究為觀察型之研究,以嘉義縣南華大學年齡滿十八歲以上大學生為研究對象。研究招募參與南華大學園藝社團之大學生二十人,參與者會進行八週的園藝活動。評量工具為「園藝治療福祉效益量表」、「認知壓力量表」、「情緒智慧量表」及「生命意義量表」。在進行第一次園藝活動前及最後一次園藝活動後進行評量。然後利用SPSS18.0 for Window及 Excel,進行 (1) 描述性統計:分析參與者基本特性之平均數與標準差; (2) 成對樣本 t 檢定(paired t-test) :比較參加園藝活動前後平均值之差異。 結果: 本研究在「園藝治療福祉效益」、「認知壓力」、「情緒智慧」、「生命意義」各量表前後測的t檢定皆未達統計學之顯著差異。然而從各項數據的變化可以觀察到參與園藝社團之大學生在「園藝治療福祉效益」中的「園藝知識」、「肢體運動」及「心情放鬆」這幾方面有進步的趨勢。研究未有達到預期效益,推測可能因參與對象於前測之各項指標得分偏高,因此改變幅度不明顯。園藝治療強調與植物互動的過程中所得到的精神及生理上的利益,因此事前評估參與者身心健康狀態,訂定預期效標並設計合適的園藝活動,是影響園藝治療介入成效的重要因素。 Background and Purpose: When young people entered into the university, they in fact began another stage of their life journey, and face a wide range of problems. According to a study conducted by “The John Dong Foundation” in 2008, "Correlation of Subjective Stressors and Depression of University Students Survey" showed that almost one out of every four students were obviously feeling depressed and need professional assistance. From the survey, the top three choices for all respondents to relieve their stress, were "Internet surf", "rest or sleep" and "instant messaging via Internet". Many local and international studies pointed out that engaging in horticultural activities allows participants to gain benefits in emotional, cognitive, social, physical and mental health, as well as have a more sensitive perception to the outside world. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of horticultural activities to improve the students' emotions and cognitive stress. Materials and Methods: This is an observational study. 20 students were recruited from the Horticultural Club in Nanhua University, Chiayi County, Taiwan. Participants attended a eight-weeks horticultural activities. Measurement was taken with 5 questionnaires: 1. A personal information sheet, 2. The Efficacy of Horticultural Therapy Evaluation Form, 3. Perceived Stress Scale, 4. Emotional and Intelligence Scale and, 4. Life Meaning Scale. A pre-test was taken before the first horticultural activities started, and a post-test was conducted after the last activity. SPSS18.0 used to analyze the collected data, including (1) descriptive statistics: analysis of the basic characteristics of the subjects in term of mean and standard deviation; (2) paired t-test: comparison of difference in SD value for the pre and post intervention. Results: The result of the study revealed that there's no statistically significant differences among the students after eight weeks of horticultural activities. The pre-test and post-test figures were very close. The study did not achieved the corresponding benefits may possibly due to the relatively high score in pre-test, hence, the variance to the post-test was not significant. Horticultural theory highlighted the fact that physical and psychological benefits achieved through the interaction with plants, therefore, prior assessment for the participant's health condition, the set- up of specific target and the design of appropriate horticultural program are critical successful factors for the intervention. |