孔子曾於易經大傳言:「天地變化,聖人效之。天垂象,見吉凶,聖人象之。」(王德馨,1968)又謂:「仰以觀於天文,俯以察於地理,是故知幽冥之故。」(王德馨,1968)意指日月星辰之變化影響與地球生物息息相關。但除了堪輿學如此,紫微斗數更是如此。誠如宋 陳希夷所述:「至如星之分野,各有所屬,壽夭賢愚,富貴貧賤,不可一概論議。」既皆為星辰之轉化進而影響生物之行為,立足於地平面上之建築物更是如此。當「有人就彼一片曠場中,忽立一牆垣,馬上發生幾多之關係。」(策群,1927,引自黃進長,1996)例如微氣候的改變,動線的改變等。在研究星系與命盤之間的變化,以五代末 陳希夷為首,並在他所創的紫微斗數口訣,開宗明義說到,紫微斗數是希夷仰觀天上星,作為斗數推人命。這也表示,紫微斗數是依宇宙中的星系變化,進而影響生物的思考等。 由於命理及堪輿方面的研究,無法透過問卷,或在有限的經費下做大數據分析,所以本研究找了二個命盤與陽宅有正向反應的個案,二個命盤與陽宅有負向反應的個案,最後一個個案則是原本命盤與陽宅是負向反應,透過命盤與陽宅做相對位置的配置,所呈現出來是正向反應。本研究發現入住者的命盤若與陽宅空間配置,有做適當的擺設,則有利於入住者的生活。反之,則影響入住者感受較為不利的生活。如果要興建或購買房子之前,朝自身有利的方位配置相對應的規劃設計,將有助於入住者的生活。 The Confucius said: “The operations of heaven and earth are marked by changes and transformations; the sages imitated them. Dexin Wang (1968)sad: “ Heaven hangs out its figures from which are seen good fortune and bad , the sages made their emblematic interpretations” and “By looking into the celestial phenomena above and examining the geographical features below, one the by knows the cause of netherworld and this world.” It is the mean that Universal changes to influence biological in the earth. Chinese Astrology has lots of Geomancy in common besides Zi Wei. Like Xi-Yi Chen said: like stars in the sky. They are different influencing to change biological end-of-life, smart or foolish…exc. They are different in the biological life. “In addition to universal stars all the more so build in the earth. Like someone build a wall in the land. The environment has become different from before. (Pang Qicheng, 1996) Accordingly pushers opinion is affected by the different stars in the universe. Research shows that building's star build's time, orientation, door location, and space allocation be influenced by the between Chinese Astrology of Zi Wei and opposite to the nether world.