本研究在探討透過SH150計畫實施之後體適能變化情形,以兩所高雄市大型國小高年級所有學生為研究對象,進行體適能前後測驗,檢測項目有身體質量指數、立定跳遠、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、八百公尺跑走。 本研究指在瞭解高雄市兩間大型學校對SH150實施結果,研究採實驗研究法,以高雄市兩間學校高年級學生共646位學生為研究對象,並進行教育部規定之體適能的前後測驗,其前後測數據採成對樣本t檢定以及獨立樣本t檢定來比較兩間國小的差異情形,結論如下:ㄧ、兩校在BMI數值上並未有太大的差異。二、兩校在柔軟度檢測中,達到顯著差異。三、兩校在肌耐力測驗中,達到顯著差異。四、兩校在爆發力測驗中,達到顯著差異。五、兩校在心肺耐力測驗中,達到顯著差異。六、兩校不同性別在心肺耐力上有所差異,乙校男女高於甲校男女。七、SH150政策能有效提升國小學童體適能。本研究根據結論對教育主管機關、國小教師、及後續研究者提出建議。 The study is to explore the changes of physical fitness after applying program SH150. The sixth graders from two elementary schools of Kaohsiung City would do the physical fitness pre-test and post-test. The items of test includes Body Mass Index (BMI), standing board jump, 1 minute sit-ups, forward flexion, and 800-meter and males' running. The experimental research is used in this study to explore the result of SH150. The independent simple T test and the pair simple T test would used to compare the results of pre-test and post-test. The results were: (1) there is no defference of BMI test in two schools.(2) there is significant progress in flexibility, musclemen durance, instantaneous force, and cardiopulmonary endurance in two schools.(3) The school B get the higher scores in cardiopulmonary endurance.(4) The study revealed the program of SH150 can promote the physical fitness of elementary school students.