自2015年5月1日台中一中蘋果樹公社演講後,台灣多所高中學生以「反對高中課綱微調」發起學生運動,佔據並闖入教育部,一方面主張通過實施新課綱的程序不合法,另一方面認為新課綱內容扭曲史實,要求暫緩實施。最後,學生的訴求部分地達成,新舊課綱並行而由各縣市自行選定,之後在2016年政黨輪替後新課綱也被廢止。然而,論程序,佔據公署絕非合法之舉,抗議學生也無合法授權;論內容,舊課綱存在著許多違背史實之處而需新課綱的糾正。為何這樣的抗爭最後竟然會獲得成功?民眾真的瞭解並支持這樣的結果嗎?本研究主張,反課綱學運最後的成功,是因為民眾其實對此事漠不關心,在有充分資訊的情況下,除了少數意識形態強烈者,民眾並不會支持反課綱學運。 Since the speech of the “Apple Tree Commune” in Taichung Fist Senior High School on May 1, 2015, many students in Taiwan initiated a student movement called "anti-high school curriculum fine-tuning," occupying and breaking into the Ministry of Education. They advocated the implementation of the new curriculum is illegal and believed that the content of the new curriculum is historically distorted. Finally, the students' demands were partially fulfilled. The new and old version of curriculum were selected by each county or city. Thereafter, the new curriculum was abolished after the election in 2016. However, the students are not legally authorized to occupy the office. In addition, many errors in the old curriculum are contrary to historical facts and required revision. How could such a moventment succeed? Do people really understand and support the moventment? This study argues that the final success of this anti-curriculum movent because the people are indifferent to this matter. With sufficient information, except for a few strong ideologiests, the people will not support this anti-curriculum moventment.