摘要: | 臺灣原住民族的傳統信仰多為泛靈信仰。如泰雅族的祖靈祭、賽夏族的矮靈祭等。參加祭典的族人紛紛穿著傳統服飾出席,傳統服上盡是織著具有語彙的紋樣。 原住民在祭祀傳統中,將歷代傳奇裏神靈的特性,依附於服飾織紋,而且有獨特的文化意義。本研究深入探討,找出重要的霊性元素,希望能轉用於其它的傳統工藝,進行創意設計,並注入現代的思維,賦予傳統織紋新生命。 本研究選擇藍染作為創意設計與製作之媒材。因藍染是臺灣傳統工藝,靛藍曾為臺灣最大宗的出口經濟作物,近年環保意識抬頭,臺灣藍染工藝復興,成為卓具特色的本土工藝之一。再者作者身為藍染藝術創作者,經歷了藍草的種植、藍靛的製作、染液的建置以至染色過程的種種歷練,對於染色技法已相當熟悉。 創作者將藍染工藝的層面,增添更多靈性的氛圍,以提升藝術內涵。近年創作者鑽研臺灣原住民文化,對於各族傳統神話深感興趣,因此探討那些原始傳說的內容,抽取出共通的中心意涵,如靈鳥、貓頭鷹等,以之為設計進行的起點,繼而用奔馳法,將找出的設計元素,在畫面上進行結構的變化與重組,以創造出具有當代概念的作品。 本研究探討並運用染色技法之縫紮染、型糊染、蠟染、夾染、拔染等技法,進行藍染藝術創作,針對臺灣原住民文化之四個不同的意涵,創作出「靈光乍現」、「心有靈犀」、「菱藝傳情」與「靈界守護」四個系列共十五件作品。 本研究創作之藍染藝術,與織品結合,讓布料呈現與服飾和家飾結合最相得益彰的藝術化行動。設計出的紋樣,亦可應用於設計商品,提高附加價值,讓美學進入生活,人人皆可輕易接受。 Indigo, a traditional craft art, can be used tocreate modern works with new developments of technology. This project aims to increase artistic levels with adding more spiritual elements into indigo craft. In Taiwan aboriginal tribes' traditional worship ceremonies, spiritual symbols from legends are found on their costume texture designs and represent specific cultural meanings. This project thoroughly investigates the most important spiritual elements and their symbols, then applies them in the creative design by infusing modern concepts to create new life into traditional fabric pattern designs. Most of Taiwan aboriginal tribes are Animism. For example, tribe Say-Siyat's Pasta'ai and tribe Atayal's Maho. Tribal people wear traditional costumes, full of cultural patterns, to attend the spiritual ceremonies. Indigo is applied in this project because indigo plant once was a major export crop in Taiwan. With the increase of environmental awareness, indigo craft now revives and becomes a distinct local art. As an indigo artist, the author has full knowledge of indigo dyeing skills through planting indigo, making indigo extraction, and establishing dyeing process. In recent years, the author has researched deeply on the aboriginal culture, especially the legends. Major common concepts, like spiritual birds and owls, are selected from those legends and applied as design elements in this project. And then by using scamper method to reform and rearrange these extracted elements. The dyeing skills applied in this project including shibori, past dyeing, batik, folding dyeing and discharge print. The author presented 4 sets of art works to resemble 4 different cultural meanings of the aboriginals. These 4 sets are "Sparkle Ideas", "Synchronized Sensation", "Rhombus Connected", and "Spiritual Guardians." The indigo patterns created in this project can be applied on commercial products and then increase additional value. These pattern designs also can be perfectly applied on clothes and upholstery, which not only to make art alive butalso can transform to be an artistic beauty that everyone can enjoy in their daily life. |