未來,早已在你我身旁。 機器人的時代來臨,推動了人類文明的再進化,融入生活,也廣泛實踐在教育現場,智能機器人「入親」教室,與學習者對話共學,展開一場人機的情感交流。機器人說故事的影響力就像魔法一樣,只要喚醒機器人,夢想就此蔓延,讓科技為學習者帶來更豐富的閱讀體驗、實現更多元的交流形式,支援教育工作者的教學更貼近學童學習需求,教學相長。 本研究係以研究者所任教的國小二年級21位學童為對象,採行動研究法探討運用智能機器人說故事提升國小低年級學童閱讀表現之成效。透過教師、學生、協同觀察者三方資料的蒐集,分析學生於智能機器人說故事活動實施前後的差異。依據資料分析與研究結果,本研究的主要發現如下:一、透過智能機器人說故事活動的進行,改變學童的學習態度,有助於提升國小低年級學童的閱讀表現。二、運用智能機器人說故事對國小低年級學童的閱讀理解有正向的影響。三、以智能機器人說故事提升國小低年級學童閱讀表現之行動歷程,有助於精進教師教學應用與解決問題的成長。 The future is now, the coming of robotic generation push forward human civiliz and migration of life and campus. Human-Robot interaction is not only increasing the pace of life and also bring a richer experience and even educators get closer to students. Children need an impetus to study, the intelligent robot storytelling have the power to wonder. This research was conducted at a regular low grade classroom in the elementary school, regarded action-studying method as the research approach and aimed at the difference were significant before and after the intelligent robots storytelling course. Combine the teacher,schoolchildren and observer trilateral analyzed results, the major findings of the study: (1)Through the intelligent robot storytelling can change their learning attitude and advance reading performance.(2)Used the intelligent robots funtions can increase reading comprehension.(3)In the course of learning can help instructors to improve the design and enhance the drive of problem solving.