本研究旨在探討我國高中歷史教科書市場開放後,教科書內容多元化與意識形態關係的探討。教科書市場開放後,原本期望可以解決統編本教科書思想僵化及教科書市場獨占的爭議,可是教科書政策相關的討論並未因此而消失,「一綱多本」政策,及「教科書市場化」政策,反而帶來更多爭議與討論。 關於教科書政策論述的討論,多圍繞在教科書是否該開放市場化,以及教科書價格爭議的相關討論,可是這些論述,卻很少有關教科書開放政策「教科書內容多元化精神」的討論,以及教科書市場開放後,教科書內容思想是否真正多元化?筆者試圖從「教科書思想是否多元化?」,「教科書文本內容是否多元化?」,以及「意識型態在歷史教科書中如何呈現?」,以及「教科書開放政策,是否能有效消除意識型態對於教科書的影響」等四個面向去進行討論。並希望藉由這四個面向的分析,去進行教科書內容多元化與意識型態關係的探討。 研究者以內容分析的方式,去檢視審定本歷史教科書的思想多元與否,審定本歷史教科書的史觀多元化與否,所得到的答案都是肯定的,但是即便教科書內容多元化,不同意識型態依然在教科書中呈現,教科書開放多元化,顯然並不能就此消除意識形態的影響。 而不管是日本右翼教科書所引發的爭議,或是95年高中歷史暫行綱要所引發的爭議,以及95年高中國文暫行綱要所引發的爭議,教科書或課程綱要,所引發最大的爭議,還是在於意識型態的問題,人們關注教科書中,意識型態如何呈顯的問題,顯然重於關注教科書實質的內容。 而在審定本歷史教科書的內容中,看似非常重要的意識形態問題,實際上卻對於歷史教科書的選用,並未造成實質影響,反而是教科書使用的便利性,以及輔助教具教材的有無,才是歷史教師最關心的重點,而即便是有意識形態爭議的教科書,歷史教師也會選擇自己認為對的方式教學,而非只受到教科書內容的影響。 This research aims to discuss the relationships between diverse contents in textbooks and ideologies after the opening market of textbooks. It ought to solve the problems of the stubborn thoughts in textbooks edited by the government and the debates of a monopoly market of textbooks.However, the disputes over the policies of textbooks do not disappear according to this. Reversely, the policy in which private organizations compile many versions of textbooks and the policy of marketization of textbooks have brought about more arguments. The discussions about policies of textbooks are more related to the price war and whether there should be an opening market for textbooks instead of the policy of opening markets for textbooks “diversity in textbook contents.” I try to begin my discussions from the four aspects as following: “Is the thinking of textbooks diverse?”, “Are the contents of textbooks diverse?”, “How ideologies appear in history textbooks?” and “Can the policy of opening textbooks eliminate the effects of ideologies toward textbooks?”Besides, according to the four aspects of analyses, I hope to do the discussion about the relationships of diverse contents in textbooks and ideologies. I adopt the way of content analyzing to check if there are diverse thoughts and historical views in history textbooks edited by the government.The answers for the above are positive. Yet, in spite of diverse contents and various ideologies appearing in textbooks, the opening of diverse contents in textbooks cannot get rid of the effects of ideologies. Regardless of the debates caused by the right wing textbooks in Japan and the arguments of temporary outlines in history and Chinest textbooks for senior high school in 2005, the biggest dispute related to textbooks or curriculum outlines is still on the issue of ideologies.Obviously, people care about how the ideologies presented rather than the real contents in textbooks. The issue of ideologies which seems very important for the contents of history textbooks edited by the government does not have substantive effects on choosing history textbooks. One the other hand, the convenience of textbooks for teaching and preparation of teaching aid are the main points history teachers care about mostlthough there are some specific ideologies in textbooks, history teachers prefer choose their own teaching methods to be simply affected by the contents.