隨著智慧型手機廣泛被使用,無線通訊的使用者將不斷增加,因此同頻干擾的情形日益嚴重,使用陣列天線去估測同頻干擾源的方位將越來越複雜,利用陣列天線去估測干擾源方位與天線元件個數有關,天線元件個數越多能估測的干擾源方位也越多,但其價格也相對昂貴,如何利用較少的天線元件個數去估測較多的信號源方位是非常值得研究的問題。本論文提出一種廣義線性陣列天線的方位估測法則來估測信號源的方位,在廣義線性陣列天線中,先對陣列天線接收的信號所產生的輸入向量做共軛複數運算處理,再將新的向量與原輸入向量結合成一個2N維的新輸入向量,使N個元件的陣列天線具有2N個元件的效果,有效的提高系統效益,並提升陣列天線的自由度(即去除干擾源的能力),此外陣列天線對方向辨別的解析度也因維度的增加而提升,即使兩信號源的入射角度接近,新型的陣列天線方位估測法則亦能有效的分辨出其方向。總之廣義線性陣列天線的方位估測法則,能用較少的天線個數有效的估測信號源的方位,提升系統效能並降低製作成本,將此法則應用於各種通訊系統中,可提高系統的接收效能增加通訊容量。 The smart phone will be used widely and the users of the wireless channel will increase in the future. Therefore, the problem of co-channel interference will be more complicated in the communication systems. The utilization of adaptive array to estimate all the directions of interference will be a difficult problem. The number of estimated arrival angles of source is proportioned to the number of elements of adaptive array. However, the cost of adaptive array is increased as the number of elements increased. It is a good research area to use fewer of elements to estimate all the arrival angles of source. In this paper, bearing estimation of widely linear adaptive array (WLA) is proposed to estimate the arrival angles of source. In the WLA, the input vector of the adaptive array is operated by the conjugation transformation. Then this new vector is combined with the original input vector to generate an augmentative input vector with dimension 2N. Thus, the N-elements adaptive array can perform as a 2N-elements array. The performance of the system can be improved by the WLA. The degrees of freedom for the adaptive array will increase in the WLA, also. Since the resolution of the arrival angles of source can be improved in the WLA, the closely sources can be distinguished by the WLA without increasing the number of array elements. On the whole, the WLA can use less number of elements to estimate the arrival angles of source. Thus, the cost of the adaptive array can reduce by the WLA. When the bearing estimation of WLA is used in the future communication system, the WLA can improve the system performance and increase the system capacity.