近年來,由於網際網路的快速發展,就業服務的媒介也由以往的報章雜誌媒體轉變為網際網路新一代媒體形式,綜觀目前人力資源仲介網站,大多僅根據求職、求才者需求條件來提供基本性的搜尋服務,無法更客製化地提供求職、求才者全方位的建議及分析。因此,本研究乃建置一個具智慧型解析的人力資源仲介行銷網站,透過類神經網路中的非監督式自適應性共振理論模式(Adaptive Resonance Theory , ART)作智慧型求職求才的聚類分析,再從求才與求職兩層面分別獲得應有個屬性群聚特質,並搭配多目標最佳化及自動媒介搜尋引擎等機制來提供求職者及求才者有用的資訊。 In this thesis, we construct a human resource intermediary marketing web system, which is based on the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) for the artificial neural networks (ANNs). Either the employers or the employees, they can get the available information including the suggestions about the possible weakness by using the clustering analysis and matching mechanism of the web system. In Addition, we also provide an illustrative example to demonstrate the web system in this thesis.