本研究旨在探討金融控股公司法對國內銀行業經營效率的影響,研究期間為民國88年至92年,以35家國內銀行為樣本,透過資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)及Malmquist生產力指數和Tobit迴歸模型,對國內銀行業作經營效率的分析,以瞭解目前銀行的經營概況及了解金控公司的成立是否真能爲銀行帶來改革的契機。 本研究之主要發現如下: (1)納入金控的銀行在金控實施前後經營效率皆高於非金控銀行,顯示金控銀行在經營上的確較具有優勢。 (2)金控法實施後非隸屬金控的銀行在技術無效率來源轉變為規模無效率。 (3)國內銀行業的生產力大多處於穩定上升,而金控法實施使國內銀行生產力更明顯的提升,可見國內金融環境正在改善,體質漸趨穩健。 (4)逾放比率是顯著負向影響經營效率,而相對資產規模、安全性指標、業務多角化程度為正向影響經營效率。 This research studies the influences of the Financial Holding Company Act on the operational efficiency of Taiwan’s banking industry. We examines 35 banks from year 1999 to 2003. Through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Malmquist Productivity Index and Tobit regression method, We can understand whether the financial holding companies bring more benefits to the operational efficiency of Taiwan’s banking industry. This study finds four main facts. First, the operational efficiency of Bank Holding Companies (BHCs) is greater than that of Non-BHCs. This result shows that BHCs have more advantages comparing to Non-BHCs in terms of the operational efficiency. Secondly, Non-BHCs are technically inefficient resulting from scale inefficiency after Financial Holding Company Act took effect. Thirdly, Malmquist Productivity Index of Taiwan’s banking industry between year 1999 and 2003 increases steadily. Since the Financial Holding Company Act came into effect, it is evident that this figure has escalated even more rapidly. The underlying effect indicates that the financial arena in Taiwan is progressively improving. Finally, while using Tobit regression model, the results show that the Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio has negative effect and relative scale of aseets, owned capital ratio and level of diversification have positive effects on the operational efficiency.