本研究以探究新加坡幼兒園華語教師的多元文化素養內涵及其實踐。近幾年因華語熱的浪潮,新加坡幼兒園跨海向台灣與中國大陸大量徵募華語教師,以教導幼兒中文學習的課程為主,提供高薪資與相關福利,引發許多幼教(保)科系畢業的學生跨海任教。對於多元族群和多元語言的新加坡國家,華語教師的個人文化素養對其教學有何影響,引發研究者好奇,再加上目前並無相關文獻對此主題有任何探究。因此,本研究以一位新加坡華語幼兒園教師為研究對象,探討其多元文化素養的內涵與教學實踐產生的影響,故採取個案研究法,透過訪談與文件分析法蒐集資料,以紮根理論作為分析方法,期能架構出新加坡華語幼兒園教師的多元文化素養與實踐的模式,及其表現在教保實務工作上的具體策略,茲做為台灣後續研究、師資培育機構與教學實務工作者的參考。 The study is aim to explore the multicultural literacy and practice into their care and teaching task of Chinese childcare teacher in Singapore. By the Chinese learning trend in recent years, the kindergartens of Singapore recruit more Chinese childcare teachers to teach 2-6 years old children Chinese from abroad, especially the nations of Taiwan and China are hired. With high salary and much more social welfare the positions of Chinese childcare teachers were attracted more graduated students who studied the department of early childhood education in Taiwan or China. As these Chinese childcare teachers faced the facts of the ethnic and linguistic diverse how their multicultural literacy function as life adaption and teaching practice, moreover, less discourses centered and none firsthand research topics. The qualitative case study addresses the multicultural literacy and in practice of the Chinese kindergarten teachers in Singapore. Using a grounded theory approach, the study is analyzed data sources, including interviews and documents. The researcher hopes to propose a multicultural literacy with practice framework and transformative teaching strategies for Chinese childcare teachers in Singapore. Discussion of the implications and recommendations to teacher education institutes, childcare teachers and future reseaches as a reference for implementing or study the “multicultural literacy on Chinese childcare teachers” with character in the future.