本研究以「年齡」為干擾變數,從徒弟的觀點探討其「學習目標導向」與其「師徒制需求」的關係。「師徒制需求」分成六個構面,包括:「專業發展」、「支持與認可」、「平等夥伴關係」、「友誼」、「工作上教導」與「角色模範」。以各行業的白領為對象,共獲得478份可用樣本。研究結果顯示,「學習目標導向」與「師徒制需求」呈正相關,對於「師徒制需求」的六個構面都有顯著正面影響。以「師徒制需求」的整體構面來看,「年齡」對於「學習目標導向」與「師徒制需求」之關係具有削弱干擾效果。以「師徒制需求」的六個構面來看,「年齡」對於「學習目標導向」與「專業發展」以及「支持與認可」具有削弱干擾效果,然而對於「平等夥伴關係」、「友誼」、「工作上教導」與「角色模範」則不產生干擾作用。最後討論本研究之理論與實務意涵,並對於未來的研究方向提出建議。 Age as a moderator, this study examines the relationship between mentee's learning goal orientation and mentoring needs. There are six perspectives of mentoring needs, which includes professional development, sponsorship and recognition, equal partnership, friendship, coaching on work issues and role-modeling. 478 valid samples were collected from the white-collar employees in various fields. Results indicated the positive correlation between learning goal orientation and mentoring needs in all six perspectives. While considering mentoring needs as a whole, age does moderate the relationship between learning goal orientation and mentoring needs, which makes the positive correlation weaker. While considering mentoring needs in these six perspectives, age moderates the relationship between learning goal orientation and professional development, so as support and recognition. It makes both the positive correlation weaker. However, age does not moderate the relationship between learning goal orientation and equal partnership, as well as friendship, coaching on work issues and role-modeling. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and several directions are recommended for future research.