《貧僧有話要說》是星雲大師在2015年出版的重要著作,是大師聞知慈濟功德會在內湖園區開發一事後的發言,藉此表達自己長期以來的關懷、體驗、經歷與生活心得。《貧僧有話要說》的形式類似於口述歷史或自傳,以四十說所組成,涵蓋議題廣泛。可以看出星雲大師如何將佛法無形地融入於生命之中,以回應世間的各種問題。本文依「敘述緣起」與「言說目的」兩個架構整理《貧僧有話要說》,相當於佛法基礎的「因緣」,以及教育眾生如何朝向解脫的目標。在這樣的論述架構之下,顯示出此書的內容,雖無明顯的架構,卻可藉由佛法的基礎貫串起來,順應世間產生的問題,並且帶領人們導向在世間解脫的共同目標。 Hear Me Out is an important book written by Master Hsing Yun in 2015. After hearing about the controversy of Tzu Chi Foundation over the development of Neihu District, Master Hsing Yun expressed his concern. There are forty chapters in Hear Me Out. This book is similar to oral history or autobiography and covers a wide range of topics. This paper is divided into two frameworks: the origin of narration and the purpose of speech. With the help of this paper and the wisdom of Master Hsing Yun, we can respond to various problems in the world and lead people to the goal of liberation.