本文目的是檢視中山先生大亞洲主義的主張與內涵,並據以分析冷戰後中共對東亞的政策。中山先生1924年的大亞洲主義演說有兩層意義,一是對日本提出外交政策呼籲,勿走西方國家霸道文化路線;二是提出振興亞洲的策略,希望中日攜手,團結亞洲國家,實行王道文化及政策,共同對抗實行霸道政策的西方帝國主義列強。本文認為美國學者約瑟夫•奈伊所提出的軟權力概念,與中山先生提出的王道文化主張,有高度相合之處。本文希望藉由軟權力的概念,重新詮釋大亞洲主義的現代意義。因此本文從軟權力的角度出發,檢視冷戰後中共對東亞的外交與經貿政策,發現中共採取的是軟權力的政策手段,如強調和平崛起、睦鄰政策、中日合作等。惟中共採取此種軟權力手段,仍只是重視其工具價值,並不代表中共採取了王道文化政策,實則中共外交政策的實踐與中山先生強調的王道文化仍有極大差距。總之,本文認為,在學術上,當代國際關際學者所提出之軟權力概念,與中山先生在大亞洲主義演講中所提王道文化高度契合;在實踐上,中共在外交政策方面採取軟權力為主要工具性手段,這兩項發現,說明孫中山先生分析問題與提出解決方案時,超越時代的獨到眼光與遠見。 This study examines the meaning of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Pan-Asianism and analyzes the PRC's policy toward East Asia in the post-Cold War era. Dr. Sun's Pan-Asianism lecture in 1924 has two implications; first, he hopes Japan would not pursue the hard power policy, which was put into practice by western countries. Second, he provides strategies to revitalize Asia. He hopes that China and Japan unite the Asian countries hand in hand, implement "Kingly culture" and policy, and oppose the western imperialism together. This study argues that Dr. Sun's "Kingly culture" concept is very similar to the soft power concept advocated by Joseph Nye. This analysis draws upon the soft power concept to re-intepretate the modern meanings of the Pan-Asianism. After examining the PRC's foreign, economic and trade policy toward East Asia in the post-Cold War era, this article finds that China adopts the soft power policy toward East Asia. However, it does not mean that China follow the "Kingly culture" policy line. In fact, there is a very large gap between the practice of the PRC's foreign policy and Dr. Sun's "Kingly culture" policy initiatives. In general, this study finds that the "Kingly culture" concept proposed by Dr. Sun is highly similar to the soft power concept proposed by Joseph Nye academically. This study also finds that the soft power policy adopted by the PRC as a very useful tool to achieve its strategic goal. These two findings prove Dr. Sun Yat-sen foresight in analyzing problems and providing solutions.