台灣近年來直銷業不斷的蓬勃發展,直銷已經是消費者購買商品的主要通路之一。直銷是一種面對面為主要的產品銷售方式,直銷商除了有銷售行為之外,也是直銷公司所提供服務的接受者,在管理重點上也已經漸漸的遠離產品製造及工廠管理,取而代之的是對於顧客的重視,因此了解顧客的需求,提供完善個人化服務、開發潛在的顧客市場,將顧客的知識引入到直銷產業的經營,是直銷產業的首要挑戰之一。目前國內外已經漸漸有許多探討顧客知識管理的研究,著重顧客資料進行分析為目前研究所探討重要議題。基於上述,本研究探討顧客知識管理策略之實施,是否對直銷業者有正向提昇之助益,以國內三家知名直銷業者(雅芳、安麗、如新)作為實證性的研究對象,運用驗證性因素分析,結合AMOS軟體進行整體變數架構的理論實證與經營實務的探討。 Customer are known as a brilliant source of knowledge for the companies, due to the development of direct selling and the changes in consumption patterns, direct selling becomes a popular way for customer to purchase products in Taiwan. Direct selling requires face-to-face selling skill, therefore, sales not only need to provide suitable products but also have to offer nice service. Recently, the operation of direct selling have changed from fabricate production to strategic management, and especially focuses on customers' demand. Currently, there are not many researches concerning customer knowledge management. Most managers are only concerned about collecting customer information or setting a database of customers, and the importance of analyzing customer information is ignored. In order to discuss the differences and the effectiveness of different customer knowledge managements, 358 chosen as the testing samples. The results of the research are displayed as below: 1.To understand the customer knowledge flow of direct selling industry, which can be divided into the creation, sharing and application of customer knowledge. There is still room for improvement to discover the creation of customer knowledge database in terms of customer characteristics and preferences. 2.To verify the importance of customer knowledge in marketing performance of corporations and the market information in group activities. With proper process like creation, sharing, and application, knowledge can be an asset to a company and ca improve the performance of the company.