隨著網路購物市場蓬勃發展,網路購物平台已成為許多大企業爭相搶攻的市場,但受經濟不景氣等因素影響,民眾普遍消費力跟著下降,因此本研究選擇工作與薪資穩定、較具消費潛力的國中教師作為研究對象,發放300份問卷,回收有效問卷294份,以調查目前國中教師使用網路購物消費情形,並提出產品實感、產品選擇性、交易互動、廠商聲譽、購買意願等五個構念,建構整合性因果關係模式,探討影響國中教師網路購物意願之因素。研究結果發現:一、台灣地區國中教師網購消費頻率以每月3次以下居多,佔86.7%。二、最常購物的平台為奇摩購物中心,最常購買之商品為圖書文具,選擇在網路購買的主要原因為方便性,在網路購買商品最擔心的則為個人資料外洩。三、除廠商聲譽對購買意願無顯著正向影響外,產品實感、產品選擇性、交易互動對購買意願均有顯著正向影響。四、交易互動在廠商聲譽與購買意願之間具完全中介效果。五、廠商聲譽在交易互動與購買意願間具顯著之干擾效果。 As online shopping markets flourish, various large enterprises have begun competing to acquire Internet shopping platforms. However, public consumption power has generally declined because of factors such as economic downturn. This study employed junior high school teachers as subjects because these teachers possess stable jobs and salaries and thus a certain level of consumption potential. Issued 300 and regain 294 valid questionnaires. Subsequently, we developed 5 constructs (i.e., product fulfillment [referring to whether the purchased product fulfills expectations created by online descriptions], product selectivity, interaction during transactions, vendor reputation, and purchase intentions) to develop an integrated cause and effect relationship model for investigating the factors that influence junior high school teachers' online shopping intentions. The results as follows: 1. the frequency of internet shopping among teachers in junior high school in Taiwan is under three times a month, reign 86.7%. 2. the most frequently shopping website is Yahoo because of the convenience, the most popular goods are books and stationery, and teachers worry personal data will leak out. 3. Vendor reputation had no significant positive effects on purchase intentions, whereas product fulfillment, product selectivity, and interaction during transactions all demonstrated significant positive effects for purchase intentions. 4. Interaction during transactions showed complete mediation in the relationship between vendor reputation and purchase intentions. 5. Vendor reputation had significant moderating effects in the relationship between interaction during transactions and purchase intentions.
管理實務與理論研究/Journal of Management Practices and Principles 7卷4期 pp.67-91