摘要: | 張祜是中晚唐之交一位著名的詩人,除了五百餘首詩歌外,沒有其他的文學作品流傳於世,在文學史中也無顯著的聲譽,但自晚唐開始,他的詩作受到許多詩人或評論家的關注,論者除了在不同詩風給予評析或揄揚,也試著根據他的詩作內容或風格為他劃歸流派,張祜曾與韓愈、杜甫、白居易、賈島、孟郊、李商隱、杜牧、司空圖、王建等不同詩風的著名詩人齊名,說明了他創作主題的多樣性,風格的多元化。自宋代至清代,眾多學者進而從張祜不同種類的詩作檢視他的詩歌風格與價值,在樂府詩、記載歷史的詩歌、題詠詩、宮體詩、絕句等都獲得了不錯的評價。從歷代詩話、詩評、文人評議等資料,可以了解歷代文人及詩評家對張祜不同的銓評視角與觀點,藉由這些銓評資料,可以看出宋代以後,詩人與評者對張祜的詩歌的評論多是帶有揄揚與推崇的。終身不仕的張祜也引起文人與詩評家的同情與關懷,並將他未能順利入仕的最主因,導向元稹與白居易先後兩次的排壓;但析讀記載元、白抑屈張祜的史料,可以看出似乎有文本誤讀、歧義的情形,元、白兩人只是就當下的狀況給予張祜詩作客觀的評價,並無證據可證明兩人試圖「排壓」張祜。 Zhang Hu was a famous poet in the mid-Tang dynasty. Other than around 500 poems, he had no other literary works and did not have eminent fame. However, since the late-Tang dynasty, his poems drew attentions from poets and reviewers. In addition to commenting on or praising his diverse poetic styles, reviewers also attempted to classify his genres based on the contents and styles shown in his poems. Hu enjoyed equal fame with famous poets of different poetic styles, such as Han Yu, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Jia Dao, Meng Jiao, Li Shangyin, Du Mu, Sikong Tu, and Wang Jian, well demonstrating Hu’s diverse poetic themes and styles. From the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, many scholars further examined his poetry style and value from Zhang Hu’s different kinds of poems, and obtained good evaluations in Yue Fu poems, historical poems, TiBi poetry , Palatial Poems, and Jue Ju. The current dissertation, examining data such as poetic critique of the past dynasties, poetic evaluations, and literati’s appraisal, aimed to probe into viewpoints and perspectives on Zhang Hu from literati and reviewers of the past dynasties. With these comments, we could know that after the Song Dynasty, poets and commentators commented on Zhang Hu’s poetry with praise and admiration. Zhang Hu’s unemployment in official positions throughout his life also triggered sympathy and care from literati and reviewers, who directed Hu’s harsh official unemployment mainly to rejections respectively by Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi. However, a scrutiny of historical materials recording oppositions by Yuan and Bai revealed seemingly misinterpretation and ambiguity of the texts. Both Yuan and Bai only gave an objective evaluation of Zhang Hu’s poems on the current situation. There is no evidence to prove that the two tried to "reject" Zhang Hu. |