對中立概念歷史發展的探討證明,中立概念遭受很少見解上的爭論。因此,本文旨在探討為什麼這種政策仍然適合政治行為者的問題。本文研究的主要目的是追踪土庫曼的永久中立地位是否在國內和國際事務中成功實施是至關重要的。因此,本文首先扼要回顧中立的概念與實踐,然後透過卡爾什的著作「中立與小國」提出的解釋模型,來檢驗土庫曼的案例。換言之,藉由卡爾什的模型,即「中立國家維護其獨立和領土完整性,以及他們所採取的具體中立政策所施加的影響」的能力,來決定政策是否成功。此外,中立的成功還有另外一項考慮的分析方式,即是否達成土庫曼關於土庫曼永久中立憲法的目標。 An exploration of the historical development of the concept of neutrality proves that there are few notions so heavily in contention. This paper, therfore, seeks to explore the question of why such policy is still desiable to political actors. This paper analyzes the case of Turkmenstan within the framework of its permenant neutrality and questions of its effectiveness in internal and external relations. Therefore, this paper is focused on Turkmenstan’s permament neutrality as the way to keep successful implementation of domestic and foreign policies. Success is analyzed through the Efraim Karsh’s modle and also by looking at the Constitutional Law of Neutrality of Turkmenstan.