歐洲聯盟(European Union) 從最初之三個創始條約至今,整合已超過半個世紀,期間歷經過不少的改革與修正,才儼然成為現今國際社會一個獨一無二的特殊區域組織,其整合的經驗也為其他區域組織立下一個良好的典範。尤其最新之《里斯本條約》已於2009年12月1日正式生效,使得歐洲聯盟的統合又更向前邁進一步。歐盟之所以能夠成功整合至今,乃是因為歐盟司法體制有一個強而獨立的(strong and independent)歐洲法院,其角色不僅要與普通法院和專業法庭協調分工處理歐盟法院之工作量,更要肩負起維護歐盟法之一致性與協調性,同時在整合會員國法律時仍要維持歐盟司法體制之超然公正與獨立自主。本文主要從兩個面向進行分析,縱面向以時間之脈絡(2005-2011)作為發展,即從《尼斯條約》探討到《里斯本條約》,橫面向是以探討歐盟司法體制管轄權分配與法院之改革與成效。 Integrating for more than half a century, the European Union, becoming a unique regional organization nowadays, has experienced several times of growth and expansion in terms of size, complexity and institutions and set a good example for the regional integration in the international field. Undoubtedly, the European judicial branch plays a multiple role and takes a crucial position in the European Union, especially in the European Court of Justice terms, which has spared no efforts to maintain the consistency and unity of the European Union Law and has to, meanwhile, stand up for the detached and independent status of the European judicial system while integrating or applying to the law of the Member States. For the reason, the main purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate the development of the European judicial system by horizontally probing into the jurisdiction of the European Union system, and vertically examining the reforms of the courts and their outcomes and efficiency from Nice Treaty to Lisbon Treaty, which has come into effect on the first December in 2009.