根據內政部96年第49週的統計通報96年10月底老人長期照護、養護及安養機構概況,至96年10月底止,我國65歲以上老人計有233萬133人,占總人口之10.16%,老化指數57.57%,較95年底增加2.4個百分點,呈增加趨勢。隨著高齡人口的增加,對於老人長期照護、養護及安養機構就養之需求亦隨之提高。故爲了迎接高齡化社會的來臨,一般銀髮族對於專業照顧服務的需求越趨升高,本研究的主旨在了解目前老人養護中心經營相關之關鍵成功因素上的表現,透過個案深度訪談所得的資料,分析民營老人養護中心營運發展現況,期能作爲民營老人養護中心未來營運策略擬定之參考。 As the population ages in the Taiwanese society, the demand for professional senior care centers is increasing. The focus of this thesis is to pinpoint and explore the factors and elements related to the management of senior care centers. This thesis adopts the method of in-depth interview and combines the interviews with manager, to analyze the key success Factors of management of private senior care centers for references in the future.