本文在探討「關鍵軼事」觀點在公共論述實踐之語藝效果。以總統蔡英文自2012年起迄今面對島內重大爭議性公共議題時採取之語藝論述策略為例,試析其在台灣社會運作之可能的語藝效果?研究者以其2012年「敗選感言」、2016年8月「向台灣原民住道歉」全文,及2017年4月之「年金改革全文」等重要論述為分析文本,透過語藝學者Burke、Brummett提出之「關鍵軼事」觀點探析之。研究者發現蔡英文論述開展的關鍵軼事為「華麗的告解」,意味著展現宗教式的犧牲與堅持來以尋求台灣人認同。從語藝效果言,關鍵軼事的有效性需盱衡整體的社會文化氛圍,故而蔡英文敗選感言雖助其奠下登上總統之位之基礎,惟當選後不斷下滑的支持度以及四起的反對聲浪,更揭示其後續之語藝論述策略,尤其在關鍵軼事的掌握上逐漸脫離普遍人心人性。 The article discussed the rhetorical strategies of Taiwan President Ing-Wen Tsai in controversial public issues. By using the Burkean representative anecdotes and Brummett's methods to analysing the full text of Ing-Wen Tsai's critical discourse in three Key issues happened in Taiwan from 2012-2017, the author found that the representative anecdote which was adopted by Ing-Wen Tsai frequently is ‘Flowery Confession’. Through confess the mistakes government had made, Ing-Wen Tsai got salvation and been able to adhere to the idea toughly.