具緊密都市空間結構的臺北市,在許多頻繁且不可預測的天然威脅下,未來都市的規劃發展必須強化其調適能力,以滿足人類求生存之基本需求。極端氣候已對都市地區的居民、資產、經濟和生態系統構成了風險,建設具恢復能力的基礎設施系統,是減少都市地區脆弱性和暴露度的重要方法。近年來臺灣飽受水患之苦,不僅造成基礎建設硬體損失、觀光資源受侵襲,降低觀光客來訪意願,後續的重建修復、清理及防疫工作更是一大挑戰。本文導入以協作式群體力量為基礎的公民共同防災合作模式概念,探討以雨水回收利用的「雨撲滿」設置做為氣候調適策略項目之可能性,集結眾人的力量加強都市韌性,降低都市地區淹水之威脅,減少天然災害帶來的損失。 The compact city is advocated as a key strategy in Taipei to establish a sustainable city. Climate change is, however, the most significant challenge to achieving this type of development, especially impacts on urban rainfall extremes, but increased urban runoff from impermeable surfaces (such as roads and buildings) reduces infiltration and groundwater recharge. The Taipei City has an array of natural and cultural resources, and receives many domestic and international visitors. Risk of flooding from extreme climate conditions has affected people's lives, urban resources, economics and ecosystems. Decision makers and planners have to develop adaptation strategies to deal with trends in urban vulnerability and exposure, for example the resilient infrastructure. Recently, Taiwan has been threatened by flood disasters and droughts that cause damage to the built environment and tourism resources. Tourists' destination image and willingness to visit (or revisit) will be negatively influenced, the following challenges of reconstruction, restoration and disease prevention need to be resolved. This research project surveys the important tourism resources in flooding area in Taipei. Concept of crowdsourcing is discussed for effective citizen empowerment during flood prevention work, and the crowdsourced rainfall storage tanks are expected to decrease the load of drainage system.