本研究係以主管觀點探討美式主題餐廳外場服務人員之專業職能,並輔以焦點團體法(Focus Group Interview)針對其內部主管進行訪談分析,研究結果顯示如下:1.知識(Knowledge)方面,「餐點飲料的口味及配方」、「食物的份量、搭配」及「食品衛生、工作安全」皆為服務人員所必備之能力。2.技術(Skill)方面,「溝通、表達與應對能力」、「製造歡樂氣氛」、「建議性銷售」與「處理顧客抱怨」係為服務人員工作中所需使用的技巧。3.特質(Traits)方面,「樂觀開朗」、「友善與熱情」、「敏銳度與內控性格」與「榮譽感與挑戰自我」為主管遴選員工時,所優先考量之條件。4.動機(Motives),「薪水榮譽」與「尋求體驗」即為外場服務人員選擇該餐廳就業之原因。5.在自我概念(Self-concept)方面,「自我認同」與「自我學習」為主管經理認為基層員工之所以選擇該餐廳之原因。 The study namely aims at professional competences for the first-line employees by means of conducting in-depth interview for the supervisors and the managers at a thematic American-style restaurant via Focus Group Interview Method. The findings are cited as follows: (1)In "Knowledge" aspect, the competences required for the first-line employees are "flavors and ingredients of food & beverage", "portion and collocation of meals", and "sanitation of sustenance and safety for work". (2)In "Skill" aspect, the competences such as "communicative, expressive, and interactive skills", "creating joyful ambience skill", "suggestive selling skill", and "Customers' complaints dealing skill" which are required for the first-line employees. (3)In "Traits" aspect, "optimism and open-mind", "kindness and enthusiasm", "sensitivity and inner personal characteristic", and "sense of honor and self-challenge" which are the personal characteristics required for the first-line employees. (4)According to "motives", "salary and honor" and "seeking particular experiences" are the main thought and consideration for first-line employees. (5)In "self-concept" aspect, "self-identity" and "self-acquisition", the main motivations, which the first-line employees have been selecting for.