本研究係以人力資源發展基礎觀點探討教育訓練評估模式對於國際觀光旅館客務部之實質內涵。於此,本文以國際觀光旅館之客務部為主要研究主體,研究步驟與流程為透過資料處理與問卷設計,再經由國際觀光旅館教育訓練相關主管及產官學界訪談,並透過文獻回顧法與AHP 層級分析法,採用層級分析法作為國際觀光旅館教育訓練指標評估分析及建構。其研究結果顯示,客務部教育訓練評估模式之權重高低依序分別為:「需求評估」、「訓練目標及課程設定」、「訓練課程實施」與「訓練目標檢視」。國際觀光旅館客務部教育訓練評估模式於每一主準則與次準則中,雖相對比較上重視程度有所差異,但皆為不可或缺的過程,每一過程皆有其需達到的目標與教育訓練的效果。於此,倘若該企業能妥善運用與執行其構面指標,定能拓展其全面性之人力資源發展系統。 Based on the perspective of human resource development, the study namely aims at exploring and constructing the educational training evaluation model for front office employees in the international tourist hotels. Meanwhile, literature review method and AHP analysis are utilized in this study. Therefore, the results and findings show four dimensions constructed in the educational training evaluation model. The dimensions presented in this study are:1) Needs Evaluation; 2) Training Goals and Programs Setting; 3)Implementation in Training Program; and 4)Observation and Evaluation for Training Goals. Finally, it is anticipated that the model could be as the considerable and referent framework for human resources development conducting and evaluating aspects for other international tourist hotel sectors.
觀光與休閒管理期刊/Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management 3卷1期 pp.61-71